Lilongwe Water Board sets bounty pay for reporting illegal connections
Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) has set a rewardof K200,000 for any person who reports illegal connections to the Board.

LWB said the move has been prompted by an upsurge in illegal connections in its jurisdiction.
Recently, LWB penalized several institutions after it found out they had illegally connected to its water grid. being found to have connected water illegally.
The institutions include: Malawi Congress Party (MCP) which was slapped with K106 million penalty; Pacific Village which is owned by Pacific Group Properties in Area 9, and Central Medical Stores Trust Warehouse in Area 6 owned by Manobec Limited- the two were fined K1.5 million each apart other charges.
In a statement seen by Nyasa Times, LWB said those to come forth with information on illegal connections shall be rewarded by the Board at an equivalent of 10% of the total resultant charges up to a maximum of MK200,000 per reported case.
“The Board has noted with serious concern the rise in cases of illegal water connections or water theft being perpetuated by some sections of the community within its supply area. While the Board has put in place measures aimed at improving its service delivery through increased water access, the malpractice of illegal water connections or water theft is derailing such efforts,” reads the statement in part.
Meanwhile, LWB said that it has intensified its efforts of eliminating illegal connections.
“Apart from charging penalties as prescribed and mandated by its by-laws, all discovered cases of illegal connections or water theft shall be treated as criminal acts and shall be prosecuted as such through the relevant law enforcement organs of Government.”
Illegal water connections relate to unmetered water that is stolen through an act of by-passing the Board’s water meter.
Meanwhile, LWB is conducting Zero to Three Consumptions House to House Inspection Survey to, among other objectives, establish and reduce non-revenue water, and commercial losses.
The Board is inspecting all plots registering consumptions between zero to 3 cubic meters for at least three consecutive months and all already disconnected accounts, for the past six months.
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I am coming to collect my dues for informing you about MCP’s illegal connection.
Treasury, suspend MCP’s party funding and channel the same to LWB until madzi amaba aja are paid for in full.
Registrar of political parties, please deregister chipani chokuba madzichi. Their non payment of water bills resulted into the AREA 18 Water scam. Deregister them, it also happened in Cambodia.
Mbava za congress!!! No wonder they are carrying out projects at maula but obscenely refusing to be transparent by disclosing their source of funds.
koma macadet a bwampini simukugona nawo tulo abusa, muwona kuposa za 6-0 zija 2019!!!!!!!