Living Waters Church, SDA disassociate from discredited new clergy forum led by Bvumbwe
Two influential faith leaders have disassociated themselves from a pro-Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) peace body initiated to mediate on the current political impasse following the May 21 highly challenged presidential poll.

Some clergy have formed what they call Forum for Peace, Justice and Dialogue which they say is aimed at pacifying the country at this political crossroad and initiate dialogue for the political impasse.
A statement from the Forum says the founding interim chairperson is Reverend Joseph Bvumbwe and Reverend Timothy Nyasulu is the vice chairperson.
But a letter from Living Waters Church says church president Dr. Stanley Ndovie is not party to the forum which has been discredited as advancing the DPP agenda and not those of poverty-stricken Malawians.
“Neither the Trustees of the church nor the president of the church (who is currently on a long missionary trip outside Malawi) reveived any communication about the forum or intentions to form the forum or an invitation to attend any meeting of the said forum,” says the letter issued by Dr. Diston Store Chiweza, general secretary of the church.
The president of the Seventh Day Adventist of Malawi Pastor Frackson Kuyama has requested the chairman of the forum Bishop Bvumbwe to strike off the name of the Seventh-Day Adventist church from the forum.
“As per our telephone conversation on Monday, 29th July, 2019, I write to formally request you, chair, that my name be withdrawn from the list of the executive members of the yet to be launched religious body called ‘Interfaith Forum for Justice, Peace and Dialogue,” says the letter from Kuyama.
Kuyama says as Adventists, they promote peace and love through the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. It is for this reason that I have been attending the previous meetings for peace and dialogue.
“However, let me put it on record as Seventh-Day Adventist pastor, I was attending the meetings to initiate dialogue but not to form and register the grouping as presented in the yet to be published press release, which has already gone viral on social media,” he says.
He says the Seventh-Day Adventist chirch has laid down procedures when it comes to belonging to such groups.
Reverend Brighton Malasa is the secretary and others who make up the interim executive committee include Reverend Edward Chitsonga, Monsignor Boniface Tamani.
The interim committee is also made up of Reverend Madalitso Mbewe, Reverend Matiya Nkhoma, Bishop Charles Tsukuluza, Pastor Frackson Kuyama, Apostle Stanley Ndovie, Sheikh Dinala Chabulika, Reverend Masauko Mbolembole, Alhaji Adam Mwale and Reverend Alex Maulana.
Reports say the Forum has been fully funded by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to counter attack the influence of the quasi-religious body, the Public Affairs Committee (PAC).
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This is what I expected Pastor, after the blunder of attending the meetings of this group. Never ever do it again. Always let the prophecy guide you.
a Bvumbwe, manyazi bwaaaa
Everyone knows that Bishop Bvumbwe, Rev Nyasulu, Brighton Malasa, Dinala, Maulana and Madalitso Mbewe are the big DPP Cadets ever since musquerading as peace loving religious leaders.
koma dephwephwe ili pa chintchito abale. zonsezi nkusafuna kusiyana ndi maudindo obwela chifukwa chobela zisankho, but one thing you need to be assured of is that your days are numbered!!!!!!!
Owen Khamula, your story smacks of hearsay by not providing evidence or proof of DPP funding the forum. You’ve opinionated readers in this respect, hence most comments are of attacks directed to a political party and not those that formed the group. The gist of your story is merely the refusal of Living Waters and SDA leaders to be part of the forum. What has DPP got to do with that? I guess some reading my comment will automatically call me a Cadet, but I’m only showing the direction of the story which has been distorted by the writer for… Read more »
Knowing Malawian pastors they cannot do this without someone planting a thank you seed offering. And that must be the guys who put on blue t-shirts
kodi anthu opemphera mukuwafuna pano?
why not invite them secretly and allow them to cast out the theft demons in you and lead you to confession of rigging elections thereafter you can have dialogue ndi awo munawaberawo.
The root cause is the theft done on 21 may.
Return the stolen items first
DPP. You pieces of eternal shits
Fr Boniface please, tachokanipo mu gulu la DPP. Don’t shame the catholic church.
Excellent! Glad to know there’s still integrity in some churches. Kulinyero kwa Fake Apostle Madalitso Mbewe