Malawi activist protest to S.A Embassy in Lilongwe
All is set for protests organised by Malawi human rights campaigners on Tuesday at South Africa embassy in Lilongwe over the targeting of immigrants in a wave of xenophobic violence.

Organiser said they will be presenting a petition to the South African diplomat and businesses from South Africa could face closure.
Billy Mayaya told Nyasa Times that the petition will call on the South African government to find a lasting solution to the gruesome killings of Malawians and other Africans who have become the target of the xenophobic violence.
Mayaya said they already “ submitted notification letters to the Police and Lilongwe City Council informing them about the day of demonstrations which is on Tuesday 28, 2014.”
“This is not the first time for South Africans to attack foreigners and the South African Government promised that this barbaric act will never happen again.
“What they need to know is that some of the people have intermarried and in this case they are no longer foreigners but citizens. We are tired of this and we are going to demand for more actions,” said Mayaya at a news conference.
Mayaya said demonstrators will converge at Parliament roundabout and will go presidential road till at the Capital Hotel.From there the Malawians will converge at South African Embassy where a petition will be delivered.
Malawi rights campaigner have been demanding adequate compensation for all Malawians whose properties were destroyed.
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y waste time talking about demonstrations which took place last year on 28th april 2014!
Amalawi mwaiwala kuti mulibe zipatala zokafelako ma president anu? Kamuzu ndi Bingu mdapita nao kujoni kuzpatala. Bakiri wachila ndimadotolo aku SA. nanga mulindi ndlama zoti mzapite nao ku Britain akadwala?
Ma players akapita kukaponya mpira kunja ndie kuti ndi pa joloza.
Msalimbane ndijoni. Mangochi, Mzimba pano kulibe nyumba zodinda ndi zaudzu bkoz of johni.
Billy kaunda adaimba kale kuti “Osauka alibe mau” malawi ngosauka. Ali pa position 2 pa whole world
To be fair and square they say Two wrongs dont make a wright. Amalawi msandisekese. Zoona kupanga mademo ati musiya kugula ndugulisa ma products a RSA? Kupenga? chamba? Giving RSA 48 hrs ultimatum? Hehede! Amalawi u cant battle wth RSA. Ziko lathu ndilosaukitsisa. Olemela ndi osauka sangalimbane. Ife amalawi tili in millions kujoni pomwe iwowo muno mwathu alipo less 1000. pafupifupi each home pali zinthu zajoni meaning it is us more benefiting. Akatithamangisa tonse kujoni kodi tizayamba kupita kuti? ku TZ? ZEMBO? MOPUTO? In short we can demostrate koma osawa ophyeza a RSA mwamva? Rsa is halfway our master like… Read more »
Ali pakatiwo mwati ndindani? anyway, good move sasafilika yatiwonjeza–let them pack and Futseki
we can survive without standard bank
Very sad
The Zulu barbaric King and his uncivilised foolish subject must be taught a lesson by boycotting all South African goods. Why on earth butcher fellow African? Do they knnw that if Mandela was butchered in countries where he was seeking refuge then these imbeciles would still under colonialism. These pigs have never been school. Which country on does not unemployment? Which country on earth doesn’t have foreigners? The problem these Vandals have never travelled Outside their province let alone their country as the UK ambassador put it on BBC.
Good Move Guyz
Mwajambulitsatu ngati akaidi akamatengedwa ID for easy identification. Good Ideas though
Lets follow what man of God prophet T.B Joshua said last sunday that Africa shud unite for we cannot correct wrong with another wrong but the right, remember Malawi is a GOD fearing nation.