Malawi artist ‘Kafula’ to release album: Clement Banda
Up and coming musician Clement ‘Kafula’ Banda is anticipating to release his debut album titled‘Anthu Ngoipa’ in three-months time.

The artist said on Sunday that the 9 track album is not only meant to entertain but also educate the citizenry.
“One of the reasons I have decided to release this album is to both entertain Malawians and remind government that we also play an important role in the country`s history.
“We among other things we are trying to tell government to bring back Akafula history in the curriculum so that this generation knows that we also play a part in history and that maybe people can stop mocking us and stop labeling us as being useless,” explained Banda.
However, Banda said he was facing financial hiccups, hence the delays in releasing the album.
“There are 9 songs in this album and I have completed recording all of them but I do not have the financial muscle to get it on the market,” he said.
Banda therefore pleaded for support from well wishers to come to his rescue.
“I am calling on all those who can help to please do so, that way my message can get out there in turn I will also be entertaining Malawians. If the support comes through I would also like to shoot a DVD following the album release,” pleaded Banda.
The CD will also have a 15 minute comedy from Banda. Once on the market, this will make history as it will be a first from a midget.
Banda hails from Chikolele Village, T/A Golomoti in Dedza.
Anthuni, Kodi iyeyu, Anabadwaliti kuti akhale kafula? Nanga makolo ake ndi mabatwanso (dwarfs)? or he is just want Kafula for popularity and fund raising?
This is the first Moment in music industry he must be assisted even the president can come in.Donations must not come only when there is floods this also the right time to donate this Man.See my Name
Amandisangalatsa kuwaona anthu amenewa
Mwana wakwathu ndakufira. Launch pa Malembo. Jambo akukudikira uzadye naye msomba.
Just join other bands.
Kodi chifukwa chiani onse olumala ndi Clement
Kafula or dwarf
Makani anthu awa!! Kukulanso mbolo eeeehhh
Ndi chamuna chimenecho. Ku DRC upitenso uthengawu. Ambwiye mwandionera pati? Pompa. Man maka DVD mungatakatetu…… May the Lord bless you and achieve what you want. Mulungu wosakondera asa!
Amenewa Ndi Eniwake Dziko Lino Let Them Feel It