Malawi blames foreigners for illegal mining
Government has put the blame on illegal mining squarely on the feet of foreigners who are accused of hiring Malawians to do the actual mining job.
A director in the ministry of Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Joab Salim said Malawians do not have the knowledge and capacity for mining.
“These foreigners are always from Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo and other countries who provide expertise in mining and trading of our natural resources,” he said.
Salim’s comments come barely weeks after the government engaged soldiers from the Malawi Defence Force to chase away illegal miners at Namizimu forest in Mangochi which led to the arrest of 300 illegal miners including foreigners.
Salim said the government wants transparency and accountability in the mining sector to ensure win-win situation for both the government and people on one hand and the miners on the other.
What happened In kayelekela? Is that 50 50?
Don’t you think we are stupid? You keep lying to the people that there are no minerals in this country. The foreigners kknow that we are bafoons that’s why after 54 years of independence primary school children still learn under a tree whilst some one has billions in his account stolen tax payers money. We are better off colonised. Amwenye atitole as if it is their country. Sick
Mwayamba blame game a DPP. sort out issues please and not giving us excuses. You are blaming the foreigners for illegal mining, what have done to stop this malpractice?
How do you blame foreigners for something happening in your own country? That is ineptiness and poverty of the brain to say the least. You are in those positions to move things in the right way, and not that nosense.
Don’t post your weaknesses on foreigners!! Can these same foreigners do the same things in South Africa? If no, why? Its poor systems and not foreigners! Interestingly, its not that authorities don’t know where to touch to curb the malpractice, no, they know, but they can’t because the foreigners are working with them!! All this noise is meant to divert the blame and hoodwink Malawians!! My foot!