Malawi Catholics mark Ash Wednesday to begin Lenten season
Malawi Catholics join the rest of the faifhfuls around the world when they marked ‘Ash Wednesday,’ to kick-start the solemn season of Lent .
Catholic parishes across the country have been seeing a steady stream of Catholic devotees going for prayers.
They had the sign of the cross marked on their foreheads with ash to symbolize mourning, repentance and their desire to share in the sufferings of Christ.

Many faithful Catholics on this day dedicate their time to prayer and fasting and giving up certain types of luxuries as well as abstaining from meat as a form of penitence.
Lent period lasts for forty days up to the ‘Holy Saturday’ which according to the Catholics marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Catholic Church is urging the faithful to condemn injustice and help the poor.
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