Malawi compulsory science education ill-timed—Coalition

Civil Society Education Coalition (Csec) has hailed government for putting on hold the implementation of compulsory science subjects in secondary schools.

Csec executive director Benedicto Kondowe told Malawi News Agency (Mana) that the decision has shown that government listens and takes into account what other stakeholders say on issues of public interest.

Kondowe: Ill-timed
Kondowe: Ill-timed

“I am happy with what government has done.  This shows that government takes into account what stakeholders say on matters of public interest,” he said.

Kondowe said much as the idea was good, it was ill-timed as most of the schools did not have adequate laboratory materials.

He has since called upon government to start mobilising resources for the schools especially community day secondary schools (CDSS) which he said do not have adequate laboratory equipment.

“Let me urge government not to sleep between now and whenever this will start [the new curriculum]. It should start upgrading schools so that when time comes for this to be implemented, there should not be more problems,” said Kondowe.

He said the sustainability of the curriculum was doubtful, arguing it needs more capacity to transport the laboratory equipment to various parts of the country.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology last weekend announced that the new curriculum has been put on hold due to what it said are logistical problems.

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Joseph Mchenga
Joseph Mchenga
10 years ago

zimenezi kuti zitheke zititengera 5 yrs or 10

Joseph Mchenga
Joseph Mchenga
10 years ago

curriculum can not change yet the materials are not materialised,komanso tonse sitingakhale a science ma cdss muwaganizire,kapena ngati mukufuna kuthetsa ma cdss munene

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