Malawi court stops university college fee hike

The High Court in Blantyre has stopped the University of Malawi from effecting new college fees for Polytechnic.

Poly students in court
Poly students in court

Judge Healey Potani has since told the University of Malawi Council to open the Polytechnic the soonest.

There was no one from the University of Malawi Council to hear this.

Judge Potani agreed with lawyer for the Poytechnic Students Union, Wanangwa Hara, that the Polytechnic college calendar is dragging.

He said Polytechnic is still in 2015/16 academic year, therefore the new fee hike affects the rest of the University of Malawi colleges who are in 2016/17 academic year.

This means the students will pay the old University fees of K250000 instead of the new hiked fee of K950000.

Students at the Polytechnic and other University of Malawi constituent colleges have been staging protests over the the fee hike.

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8 years ago

# Fees Must Fall

Douglas Ndindi
Douglas Ndindi
8 years ago

At last someone has been able to separate fact from fiction. To listen to a lawyer worth listening to.To spot sense in a heap of nonsense. To say what needs to be said regardless of who is involved. To show that some institutions that are supposed to produce intellectuals need to be taught how intellectuals should think. To show that there are some better intellectuals still in class than there are in offices. Bravo Bwana Potani! Bravo Bwana Kaphale! Bravo PSU! That’s 1 – 0 to the students.

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