Malawi ex-first lady Shanil suss out an apology from DPP’s Ben Phiri
Former First Lady Patricia Shanil Dzimbiri (formerly Mrs Muluzi) has rejected the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) director of elections Ben Phiri apology over offensive and insensitive remarks he made in Balaka west, demanding he makes another rally in the area and withdraw his slurs.

Phiri told a rally in the constituency where Dzimbiri is vying for a second parliamentary term that the former legislator had her marriage broken with former president Bakili Muluzi because she is not satisfactory in bed.
“I have not seen the apology because I am told he has posted on facebook, I am not on Facebook but my response is that he should go back to the audience he made the offensive remarks and make the apology,” she said.
He said people in her village have no access to social media platforms therefore, he said, what he said is still stuck in their heads.
Women rights activist Emma Kaliya advised Dzimbiri to seek legal redress over the matter.
“The remarks are just unfortunate. We, at Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre condemn it. This was insulting the modesty of a woman,” she said.
Ben Phiri’s remarks have received countrywide condemnation.
In a video clip, Phiri says Muluzi divorced her because she is not good in bed.
“I have never seen a yao who can fail in bed but this one completely failed this is why her marriage ended,” said Phiri to the hand-clapping of women in the rural Balaka.
In his apology statement, Phiri however says: “As most of you are aware, there is a video [clip] in circulation in which I was captured at one of the campaign rallies in Balaka district with sentiments directed at the Hon. Dr. Shanil Dzimbiri which have been interpreted as attacking the modesty of a woman.
“I would like to sincerely and unconditionally apologise to Dr. Shanil Dzimbiri, her family members, women of Malawi and all Malawians offended by the remarks.”
He further apologized to the DPP for what he says the damage the sentiments gave caused to the party, saying the sentiments do not represent the position of the party or its leader.
Dzimbiri is a humble down to earth woman who never insults anyone during her political rallies but practices issue based campaign.
The former First Lady comes from the same area as the sitting First Lady Gertrude Mutharika.
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All you people calling shanil to accept the appology whats your problem exactly, wat will you lose if she gose to court?, that was character assassination at it its highest order , inu chikukukhudzani ndi chani? Let them sort it out , wat are you afraid of? She has a right to defend her character and no-one has a right to turnish it.
Kulibe zokhululukaso apa. Apite ku court basi akalipire uchitsilu wakewo Ben Phiri. Iyeyo akuti Shanil is not good on bed, adamuuza ndani? Amagona ndi iyeyo? Akalipire basi ali ndi ndalama zambirimbiri za cash gate plus zogulitsa ma bones. Mesa iyeyo akuti maliseche ake ndi Peter? Nde Shanil zumukhudza bwanji?
Mayi Patricia Shanil Fukulani Dzimbiri accept the apology and dont listen to mama Kaliya zopita ku khoti. Khoti will not apologize to you, the damage can be removed by an apology. Ironically people who were listening to this Ben were callping hands and ululating when he was saying this. The guy attracted a large crowd. So poti wazindikira kulakwa kwake inu ngati Mkatolika ( If you stopped wearing buyibuyi that is) please forgive mnyamatayu and move on with your clean campaign messages . To error is human and you are not an Angel . Mama Kaliya is not an angel… Read more »
Acceot the apology mayi Shanil Patricia Dzimbiri Fukulani as you are populary known. That is how we build a nation. Ana ena amakhala ofuntha koma timawachita accomodate. Taking matter to Court wont help as the man has already accepted his mistakes. Pepani kuti analowa mkati kulkamba za banja. Ife tifuna issue based campaigns. Komanso nawo anthu akwanuko ndi zitsiiru poti ankamuombera mmanja Beniyu. I attended the rally it was heavily patronised by people from your area omwe anaknyadira kumva izi koma enafe zinkatinyasa. So madam vomerani kupepesa if anything mumuitane azapepese pamaso panu.
Iwe shanil just accept the apology and move on. Ilitu ndidziko ndiye musakhale ngati ndinu anjelo oyera.
Dr Ben Phiri has apologised and that’s enough.
Don’t listen to the mad woman Ema Kaliya akunamizani. Don’t aim at creating more enemies please.
Nanunso a MEC mwangoti phwiiii osapereka chilango bwanji ? Koma akanakhala otsutsa bwenzi mutayankhula, tikukuonanitu musayese ngati anthu sawona. Malamulo achisankho munayika nokha , koma simukuwagwirisa ntchito , ngati pa 21st May 2019 pangakhale nkhondo , izayambika chifukwa cha inu a MEC . Ndiye musamale , choyamba tizayamba kuthana ndi MEC yonse kaye . Muluzi walakwa chani , Iwe Ben Phiri unavinidwa koma ? Ubwerenso uzapangise msonkhano tione ngati suchoka ndi miyala , iwe mbuzi ya munthu , mzibambo wosazindikira, tizakumana ayise , usayerekeze kuponda phazi lako kuno, uwafunse ambuyakowo sanakumane ndi miyala ku Kasungu ? Iwe ndaninso iwe.
Kodi kalitcheretchere ameneyu,paja mumati ndani? Benson/Benford/Benwell? Mudakamutenga kut inu a D-PWIPWI? matolatola apaso mwatola awa awawa awa,apolofesaa oyee!
Kod si yemweyu ankakamba za maliseche uja
Must have been sent by Getrude Mutharika to say this
ben phiri wawonjeza ndale zakalekale izi. ATENGEREDWE KU KHOTI BASI AKAYANKHE MULANDU. tumpale anamangidwa ndi ma issues ake omwewa . chilungamo chiyende ngati madzi basi