Malawi imports 80% of products from South Africa

Government says Malawi still imports 80 per cent of its products from South Africa, commodities that can locally be sourced, a situation that is against Buy Malawian concept.

Malawi has launched the Buy Malawi Strategy (BMS) in a bid to promote locally produced goods and services.
Malawi has launched the Buy Malawi Strategy (BMS) in a bid to promote locally produced goods and services.
Customers shopping-in-a-supermarket-mostly-South-Africa-products
Customers shopping in a supermarket mostly South African products

Director administration and finance in the ministry of Trade and Industry Joseph Mkandawire said it was a pity that most products consumed in Malawi are manufactured in South Africa and sold in South African chain stores when the same could be manufactured and processed in Malawi.

Mandawire said this during local sourcing partnership training for small and medium enterprises underway in Blantyre.

The training is aimed training entrepreneurs in business processing so as to create more jobs as well as promote local products for international markets in Comesa.

Mkandawire said Malawi is capable of producing the products sold in the international chain stores only that Malawians need to change their mindset so that they have confidence in their own products.

Chimwemwe Luhanga from Malawi Confederation of Chambers and Industry agreed with Mkandawire saying the more people bought local products the more employment will be created.

He said the appetite for South African products tilts trade between Malawi and South Africa towards South Africa at the same time harming the Malawi economy.

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8 years ago

Amalawi,nkhani yili apa ndi quality.There is no way nyasaland can equal RSA products.Kuno ndi patali,zinthu za ukhondo, beliv me.Bread,Eggs,sweets,Or kabichi weni weniyu,etc mushop,well packed and has expiry date.Muzachose kaye tonde ali ku sanjikayo,zinthu will somehow change.Kaya!Mzakwacha,Pretoria;+27724922299.

8 years ago


Mbangi Johnson
Mbangi Johnson
8 years ago

Malawi have more fresh water than South Africa. Most of SA’s agriculture depend on ground water. Malawi have the abundance of the most precious resources in the form of fresh water, which is crucial need in farming. Did you know SA import fresh water from their neighbouring Lesotho? I still don’t understand why Malawi still import food stuffs from SA.

Ze Roberto
Ze Roberto
8 years ago

What baffles me is that people who should effect change or in other word, people with authority to effect change speak like social commentators. Olo mukamumvetsere Peter Mutharika akamalankhula amakhala ngati kuti mwina there is any better placed person to influence change than him. Pena ndiye nkumadzifunsa kuti kodi uyu ndi president kapena social or political commentator? Malawi ali pavuto.

8 years ago

Impose heavy taxes on imports which are locally made and found i.e busicuits,sweets,tomatoes,irish potatoes etc Gvt will save forex and the kwacha will gain strengh. Amwenye katunduwawo ali cheap coz they smuggle in and mostly evade tax, where as Malawian businesses wa MRA sangadumphepo

8 years ago

Useless statements. What you said is What every one knows. We expected you to tell the nation What government is doing to reverse the situation. What plans and programs are there? You have to take note that it is the government that creates an enabling environment to make such ambitions a reality. Government should make adjustments in taxation systems and so on. Foolish officials!

8 years ago

vuto ndilakuti locally made products are always expensive. Indian atsegula bakery azigulitsa bread K200 and the next bakery of Malawian the same bread is sold at K300. so do you expect people to still buy Malawian products in the name of boosting home industry? A malawi mumafuna kulemera mwachangu ndiye zinthu zanu mumadulitsa. kulemera is a process that can’t just happen overnight.

Local Products
8 years ago

How do we define a local product in manufacturing terms? Then give me analysis of all products that came from RSA and in an equal footing are also available here. Am sure cornflakes are eaten by …………. whilst eggs which are readily available are also a favourite for you and me. In short there should be a law forbidding importation of goods that are readily available in the country. But will MRA meet its revenue collection target?

8 years ago


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