Malawi in demo mood:Timber Millers hold protests at Chikangawa
Members of the Reformed Timber Millers Union (RTMU) on Thursday conducted peaceful protests in Viphya Plantation in Chikangawa, Mzimba district after failed discussions with government over timber business.

Timber Millers members marched from Gwayi to Chikangawa Forestry Department offices, where they are saying they will hold vigils.
They are asking government to allocate them some hectares of land to sew timber.
The RTMU has teamed up with some chiefs to query government for allegedly favouring foreign concessionaires over locals in the timber processing business in Viphya Plantation in Mzimba and Nkhata Bay districts.
Since July 31, they have met Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Bintony Kutsaira twice, but RTMU president Paul Nthambazale claims the meetings have yielded nothing; hence, the protests.
Nthambazale told reporters that the demonstrations are aimed at expressing dismay on government’s conduct for allegedly giving business to foreign-owned companies at the expense of local companies and traders.
He said the conduct is contrary to principles under the new Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act of 2017 “which gives 60 percent to indigenous black Malawians when it comes to the procurement of goods and services by government.”
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Whatever the issue is apatseni. Kufika polemba placard choncho ndiye kuti sizili bwino. Kaya foreigner chani chani kaya ingopangani zomwe akunenazo apa. Mulodzedwapo chabe.
This is very true, foreigner are enjoying our resources, and we are becoming beggars to them, no way this can not be allowed!!! Malawians have woken up from our slumber, malawians have anger that has been nartured for so long, its time to realease the anger and the government of should tread carefully on how they are going to exstinguish this fire….otherwise hongkong scenarion, is in the offing.
On a lighter note the placard ayayayayaya….english yavutatu wayeneratu kukhala muchewa uyu ayayayaya