Malawi Londoners to hold networking gala dinner Dec 19

The Malawi Development Network-London, an sssociation of Malawians living in Greater London is holding a networking gala dinner and dance this Saturday 19th December at the Holiday Inn Bloomsbury in London from 6.30pm which will see the Malawi High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Kena Mphonda being the guest of honour.gala dinner

MDNL was formed two years ago as a London based association to contribute to strategic planning processes and public policy development in Malawi and also act as a think tank that will be a source of innovative ideas for the development of Malawi;.

The grouping also aims to facilitate debate on topical issues that are critical for the development of the country; facilitate productive participation of Malawians living in Greater London and beyond in the economic activities of the country particularly in trade, investment and tourism..

MDNL also identify expertise among Malawians and friends of Malawi living in Greater London and beyond to contribute to various aspects of development of the country

According to MDNL chairman, Watipatso Mkandawire said the event this year is aimed at facilitating dialogue of the various networks that represent Malawi diaspora as well as friends of Malawi in the United Kingdom.

“ MDNL will also be extending a special welcome to the new High Commissioner who recently presented his letters of credence. It is an opportunity to share experiences as well as get to know who is doing what in business, health, education, community services and many services in support of Malawi’s development,”said Mkandawire.

He pointed out that a number of Malawian small business operators based in UK, will be displaying their services.

“It’s high time as Malawians we support each other businesses. That is the only way we can grow and excel. The model has worked for centuries and that is the reason for the success of corner shops in the UK for example”, said Watipaso.

Amongst the businesses that will promote their services include personal beauty, fashion, employment agencies, funeral insurance services, off-shore investment, financial services, catering and many more.

To entertain guests, music will be dished out by DJ GNICE and there will also be an opportunity to watch the guest artists, all the way from Denmark, Kidd Mkandawire of the Mafumbo fame, and former Kalimba band member.

Director of events will be James Nkhutabasa Woods.

Tickets, which are going at £45 single,  kids menu  at £15 and £80 double can be bought either on Eventbrite website or contact the following:

Phyllis Chipojola – 07931 353 737

George Ajassi    07710 597 823

Wonderful Khonje –        07875 612 246

Francisca Mkandawire   07960 010 495

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8 years ago

Come on people 45 Pounds for this event? Thats way too much. This is why black peoples business do not go too far there is always greed..

8 years ago

Tasetadi Nkhalambazo ndipo kobasi. Koma munali munjila pano ndinafika ndimachita kudabwa kuti ntchito izi zilipobe. Inuyoo chonchi apaaa tafufuzani ma application form, mukalephela pitani ku South Africa bolako. Living in Europe guarantee of 20 years more than living in Africa. Koma tikabwela ku Holiday ndee maso tuzuuuuu ngati kukubwela napolo. Makosi lawi lawi. Mano kutha zaka 30. Onse mukunyoza say I AM IDIOOT

8 years ago

Kodi ignorance ku Malawi idzatha? We Malawians here in the UK chose to be here and trust me life is much better here. No matter what you say deep ddown you would rather be here than where you are now so just shut up you ignorant git! This is a civilized country and nobody but nobody cares how you earn your living as long as its legal. Ndi anthu osauka ngati inu , ambuli ngati inu amene mumanyoza other peoples jobs. Takhalani konko muzibvutika you deserve it !

Penjani Phinjani
8 years ago

My foot! People in UK just want publicity here. Mwati think tank for who? By the way, how many Malawian groups are there in London alone. Today we hear of this group tomorrow of that group with nothing tangible on ground. Shupiti! Kaseteni nkhalamba uko!

Dennis martin
Dennis martin
8 years ago

You are busy making party every time we hear intertainment for what anthu opusa inu while people are deing of hunger no drugs in the hospital yet you are showing like you coming from a rich country call hospitals and find out just imagine a woman delivered in a minibus because government is failing to buy fuel and the owner is changing her 15000 apoor woman yet you are enjoying yourself crazy people

8 years ago

45 pounds?thats expensive anyway good luck

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