Malawi Ngoni chief Mabilabo slams Global Metal Mining
Inkosi Mabilabo Jere of Mzimba and his community has asked management of Global Metals and Mining who are behind Kanyika Niobium Mine to pack up their equipment and go for their failure to provide social and economic demands.

The Kanyika Niobium Mine will be the first of its kind in Africa but the fourth in the world after two other mines in Brazil and one in Canada.
With a projected life span of 20 years and an annual output of 3000 metric tonnes of Niobium metal, the Mine is expected to rake in US$180million (MK50 billion) per year in revenues and employ 2000 Malawians in the construction phase and 800 operations start.
The communities want the company to leave their soil until all their demands are met.
Speaking in an a telephone interview with Nyasa Times from his base at Emfeni in Mzimba, Inkosi Mabilabo said he is not happy that up to now there is nothing happening in the area regarding the welfare of his people.
“My people are suffering, they were told to shift from the area to other place , yes they can shift but how can they go without being given compensation.
“What the community is demanding is that the company should go first and come when they are ready to fulfil social responsibility,” said Inkosi Mabilabo Jere.
The community is also demanding the construction of a hospital and that the company establish local mining school.
On top of that the community also is demanding portable water and the company should not use 1960 compensation act which values fruit trees at K3.00.
But when contacted on Sunday 2 February 2015, Company Country Director Chrispine Ngwena could not respond to the questionnaire which Nyasa Times sent him as demanded.
Ngwena is on record having said that the delay by Mmbelwa district Council in conducting verification exercise in order to determine the real beneficiaries was delaying the whole process.
The Kanyika Mining project is the second major mining operation in the country after the Kayelekera Uranium Mine in Karonga district.
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Bravo Inkosi,that’s what we cal wisdom
Bravo Mabulabo, dont be shaken, you are thinking of your people, and you are seeing dela lako in the future……….. insist asadzakusiyeni naked like kayelekera mxiiieewww.
u have my support
Malindima u don’t know what ur talking and it seems you don’t own land!! The chief is talking on behalf of his pple, he didn’t invite them to do exploration after all why can’t we wait for the new amended mineral act, let the community benefit during and after mining. I know this chief personally. What makes him differ with other chief is one, he has a degree in accounting, chartered ACCA he has worked as an internal Auditor, finance manager. Nanga amfumu anu school anafika pati?? Ndinaiwala he is a commencial farmer, he started driving vehicle whilst young ngati… Read more »
RAIPLY should also go because the depth of harvesting is too high as compared to the re aforestration and the people have not benefited anything as it was at the beginning when we had vipysa buses and all are gone instead only big trucks to deplete the forest and leave us with nothing. Inkosi Kampingo Sibande and your impi please go and chase these people and government should move in please to manage the forest. How many trees have they planted so far this year?
We Mzimbas tilikumoza namwe Nkhosi pala wakukana wapakile nakuluta, bayethe Nkhosi bayasijwayela lawabanthu mabahambe! Viva Nkhosi Mabilabo viva Mpoto forward ever backward never.
Bravo which mineral has southern region?
If they go then that gives you an opportunity to you chief to mobilize your people. Pay all the exploration costs and invest the capital to mine on your own or else it you don’t have this financial muscle then better shut up.
Social Responsibility occurs after the project break even; and may be 3 years down the period not before!
Other areas of Malawi have also to benefit from the royalties as these belong to the government as has been the case with royalties from tea plantations in Mulanje, Thyolo, Nkhatabay .
One ndi waku ntcheu,koma achita afumu awa,ndikufuna ndikakhale kumpioto,if all of our leaders were like afumu awa Malawi would be a very rich country half a century ago,koma mbava zokha zokha
dziko ndiwanthu! simakampani ayi Malawi ndiwang’ono, kodi mukamagulitsa malo mumati anthu akakhala kuti?
mafumu anthu tamaganizaniko ngati ndinu anthu wosati zinyama.tetezani anthu anu musakonde chuma [ndalama]pam,ene mukuyika
pamavuto miyoyo ya anthu wosalakwa.dziko ndiwanthu,ufumu ndiwanthu!