Malawi President appoints 4 new Judges: Ntaba, Mtalimanja now judges
Malawi President Joyce Banda has appointed four new High Court Judges, two of which are female, and elevated one High Court Judge to the Supreme Court of Appeals.
According to the Office of President and Cabinet (OPC), the appointments of the five are with effective from Monday, June 17, 2013.
The Malawi leader, first female Southern African President has been gender sensitive by appointing female legal practioneers, Anabel Mtalimanja and Zione Ntaba, to be High Court Judges.

The OPC says President Banda has elevated High Court Judge, Frank Kapanda, to serve at the Malawi Supreme Court of Appeals while Mike Tembo and Redson Kapindu have been appointed as High Court Judges.
Kapindu, who until his appointment was a lecturer at a university in South Africa, has previously served as legal counsel at the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) and director of legal services at the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC).
President also appointed four new High Court judges Dorothy Kamanga, Rachel Sikwese, Fiona Mwale and Kenyatta Nyirenda last December.
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