Malawi President Mutharika must recognise people’s power
Naturally, President Bingu Mutharika’s land slide victory into his second term in 2009, gave him a reason for what looks like a pumped up self importance. With all due respect the tone of the President when addressing people shows that he is of another kind not a leader who has empathy for poor Malawians. As it has exhaustibly been said in the past, the president portrays himself as a know-it-all, therefore no need to listen to anyone. Take it or leave it, this is the genesis of all the economic and political turmoil Malawians are going through.
While enjoying his self importance, the President might have never expected that a day would come for Malawians to call for his resignation. He might have mistakenly thought that he has tamed everybody in Malawi to the extent of calling them chickens.
Meanwhile, Malawians are aware that Mutharika has challengingly said that he will not resign. May be he might say the same on the call for a referendum. Needless to say that this type of tough talking is fit for a successful leader who has delivered and people are living a comfortable life. This is unlike President Mutharika whose leadership has produced what can best be described as a failed government. Honestly, nobody thought of a day Malawians will even queue for a packet of sugar which is produced in the country.
It is immeasurable suffering that Malawians are facing which forced Public Affairs Committee to call for a stakeholders meeting to map up the way forward. The meeting came up with the resolution that the president must resign failing which should call for a referendum. Mutharika might be wondering how come petty men have the guts to call for his resignation. He needs to be reminded that this is the power of the people.
Malawians are aware that Mutharika sees no reason to resign because according to him Malawi is more developed than he found it in 2004. This is just a joke and mockery to the suffering Malawians. It does not need a genius to know that Malawi is worse off than it was during Muluzi’s era. Imagine, never before has the Malawi Kwacha been proved useless to the extent that foreign airlines cannot accept it as a ticket payment. The Mutharika government should feel embarrassed for making this country a laughing stock.
President Mutharika and his supporters might like the way he leads but it is very doubtful if just like the majority of Malawians know where he is taking this country to.
Mutharka might be very rich or not cheap but should know that for him to remain comfortable in power, he needs to respect all Malawians. He should know better that if people are disgruntled they can make this country ungovernable.
It is time Malawians wake up and reclaim their freedom and dignity. No Head of State, present and future must be given a chance to arrogantly look down upon people who had put him in power. This is very possible as long as people refrain from government bribes which are short lived.
Emily Mkamanga Email [email protected]