Malawi recovery needs ‘transparency, accountability’- Atupele
Malawi’s Economic Planning and Development Minister, Atupele Muluzi said during the launch of the Economic Recovery Plan and the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II (MGDS II) in Lilongwe Friday that transparency and accountability will be central to delivery and transformation of the plan.
He said transparency and accountability are “two important instruments” to deliver on recovery plan.
“Transparency and accountability of the use of our resources will guarantee our credibility in the use of public resources to all stakeholders, especially our fellow Malawians,” said Muluzi.
The Minister also said “inclusive partnerships” will be critical to ensure that the plans are delivered with “openness, trust and mutual respect with all partners who complement each other.”
Vice President Khumbo Kachali who launched the plan, conceded that Malawi Government is “losing billions of Kwacha through fraud and corruption in various sector.”
Kachali said the fight against corruption “will continue and Government is committed to addressing this scourge which is eroding the country’s economic gains.”
Muluzi said the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II is a detailed articulation of how Malawians intend to transform themselves as a nation into a middle income country.
“It is a rich and well informed document which has benefitted from wide ranging consultations with Malawians themselves within the different spheres of our society,” he said.
Muluzi said through consultations, the MGDS II identified six thematic areas to transform Malawi economy and society, saying they are: Sustainable Economic Growth; Social Development; Social Support & Disaster Risk Management; Infrastructure Development; Improved Governance; and Gender and Capacity Development.
“Each of these themes are underpinned by nine key priority areas ranging from Agriculture, Energy, Tourism, Mining, Transport, Health, HIV and AIDS, Climate Change and Environmental Management.”
Muluzi said President Mrs Joyce Banda agreed with her Cabinet to formulate an instrument aimed unlocking the binding constraints in the country’s economy, so as to ensure the smooth delivery and implementation of the MGDS II.
“This instrument – the Economic Recovery Plan – has benefited from an extensive domestic consultation process and spells out the urgent reforms that the country has to undertake to bring us back on track to deliver on the MGDS II, so as to transform our nation,” he said.
Muluzi said ERP’s objectives are two-fold, to restore external and internal stability and then to cushion the vulnerable from the impact of the economic reforms.
“Furthermore, the Plan also identifies five key catalytic areas of economic activity within the MGDS II, which need to be targeted to fast track the invigoration of the much needed growth and employment. These are: Agriculture, Energy, Mining, Tourism, Transport and Information Communication Technology.”
He said success of the MGDS II and the Economic Recovery Plan will be measured by parameters that include ownership by all Malawians and inclusive partnerships with all stakeholders including civil society, private sector and the international community.
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