MCP’s Zulu says Mutharika’s absence on campaign means is unfit for re-election

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) deputy campaign director George Zulu  has taken a dig at President Peter Mutharika of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), saying his continued absence on the crucial campaign trail shows he is not fit and well to govern.

Zulu (L) at a rally in Mtakataka says Mutharika not fit for purpose

Malawians will vote on June 23 in the fresh presidential elections, a week earlier than the initially suggested July 2 date.

While opposition  nine-party Tonse Alliance presidential candidate Lazarus Chakwera, who is also Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president, is flat out campaigning with his his running mate, UTM leader Saulos Chilima,  President Mutharika is yet to start campaigning as the torch-bearer for the DPP and United Democratic Front (UDF) alliance.

His running mate Atupele Muluzi, who leads UDF,  has been  busy  canvassing support from the electorate with other DPP and UDF top brass.

Speaking at Mtakataka on Saturday where Chilima addressed a rally, Zulu said Mutharika‘s absence show he is “unfit to be elected.”

Zulu, who is alsO Lilongwe City West legislator, said: “We should avoid voting for an incapacitated person.”

He said Mutharika is no longer fit for purpose.

At 80 years of age Mutharika has clearly seen better days and  thathe is not  in the best of health, Zulu pointed out.

He said DPP will collapse like a deck of cards when Chakwera is elected President.

Presidential spokesperson Mgeme Kalilani however played down the matter, saying Mutharika would be on the campaign trail when he is free.

“He is busy with state matters. He is always in his office,” said Kalilani.

DPP spokesperson Nicholous Dausi has also dismissed the MCP ,  saying Mutharika is mentally alert and physically capable as he has ever been.

He dismissed those talking ill of Mutharika as “people who are as thick as elephant manure and evidently far less useful.”

A survey by Afrobarometer has indicated that this election, slated for June 23, will be highly contested and gives Lazarus Chakwera a slim lead.

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4 years ago

Well I have to say Atupele has a point. If senior politicians can indulge in insults and degrading banter they can’t possibly have much to offer the country!. While you are campaigning APM is busy running the country at the same time! So you have no brain when you start wondering where the president is! did you expect him to just abandon the country and go campaigning? The opposition is really an absolute waste of time!I pray to GOD you don’t get in to run this country because you don’t seem to realise the seriousness of this job! Full marks… Read more »

Zio ine
Zio ine
4 years ago

Jb today said APM is a drunkard would it be wrong to say that she is a husband snatcher. Those who know the history of this family know how they got married. The Band as and Kachales were family friends and eventually Richard and joyce became more than friends and they began fucking that resulted in Joyce marrying Richard. You remember also that she was active with women bank and she ended up stealing all the money and the bank closed.

nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago

no madando. tikavotela cipikicha comweco basi

4 years ago

He is busy with matters of state? Mgeme, are you serious? At this point in time, can there be matters more important to a candidate than an election? Come on, give us another story, this one is not holding water.

Shenton Kacheche
Shenton Kacheche
4 years ago

It is unethical to talk about ones health. If people talk about your health, you would not be happy.
Give your manfesto then people would seive from there.
Nadi adada Zulu. Perekani Waka fundo kwa Tabanthu

4 years ago

Kkkkkkkk !! UTMCP, mwacheperatu !!!

Dowa boy
Dowa boy
4 years ago

The zulu guy looks unhealthy.muntharika wafika 80 i doubt enanu mufika. After election muli masiku owerengeka.

John Kennedy
John Kennedy
4 years ago

This is a FPE, time is very limited. Sometimes, you have to sit down and strategize before you start running on the ground. Especially now when the situation is different. That is why DPP decided to decentralize the campaign. Even madala wa kuti age is not on his side koma with time he has proven to be a better political strategist than you guys. If you are not careful, you Tonse Alliance you are heading for another white wash! Sometimes it’s not how fast you run but how you run as well matters. Be very careful! Otherwise, I smell defeat!… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  John Kennedy

I’m 100% in agreement with you. Truly speaking APM is no mean strategist. He may shock the country. Not always does the race Favour the swift, or battle the strong. Athu ndi maso

4 years ago
Reply to  John Kennedy

Better political strategist in what sense? Rigging? Madala atopa basi. He is napping. Leave him alone. Nobody should wake him up unless for the sole purpose on informing him to get out of state house so he can continue resting ku ndata.

Ben Evurha
4 years ago
Reply to  John Kennedy

No substance here

4 years ago

Zulu iwe mwaletsa chilima to use his UTM symbols cholinga mufuna UTM ithe. Panopa UTM visibility is gone now and soon it will be deleted from political platform. UTM members are running 🏃 away from UTM because they feel they can’t be associated with tue party death and darkness. Ambiri akuthawa Ku UTM. Now that UTM has been advised by MCP not to use its symbols speaks a lot of volumes

4 years ago

…elephant manure can be useful

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