M’mbelwa embroiled in ‘cattlegate’ in elevating village heads
Paramount Chief M’mbelwa V of Mzimba district is demanding cattle and goats for him to elevate village head men to a rank higher.

It is estimated that in a month the Chief elevates more than five traditional leaders.
In fact the Chief actually sends his Indunas to the cattle kraal of the prospective candidate to choose the cattle for himself before he officiate the ceremony.
The writer witnessed this at Mchapasalu Village last Saturday where M`mbelwa elevated Village Headman Mchapasalu to Group Village Headman.
On the other hand, scores of villagers from more than 10 surrounding villagers were asked to bring goats and chickens as a token to welcome the Chief. And those without were told to bring cash.
One old villager in his 70s told Nyasa Times that he had to part with MK20,000 part of the money her daughter who is in South Africa send him to buy fertilizer just to honor Chief M`mbelwa`s demand.
`This is farming season and we are forced to part with the little monies we have just to please the chief. This is unfair. This is further impoverishing us, ` said the Elder citizen, whom we cannot name because Chief M`mbelwa may banish him from the village.
But in a telephone interview Chief M`mbelwa parried the accusations saying as the head of the district he deserved to be treated like royalty.
`I don’t force people. They do that on their own and I cannot refuse,` he said and cut the line.
Some of the people that make comments do not understand ngoni culture. This has not started now, it’s our culture. You have your own culture to preserve leave us alone. I don’t want to mention what you do. This guy was complaining is not ngoni. If you don’t want to follow our culture puma uhambe 7 river to the west
I don’t care whether they are Tumbuka, Hinya or Ngoni. They all speak one language. Look at this man who was robbed of K20,000.00 that his daughter sent him. Amati agulire ma coupon afumu alanda!! What kind of culture is that. And someone says I don’t force them. Do you believe this man gave his money willingly? These greedy chiefs like politicians are contributing to our misery. Kenya is better where coloniolists abolished chieftainships. Boma litibere, mafumu atiberenso tithawira kuti. God have mercy!!! Cartoonists can you draw a poor man being robbed by big politicians and chiefs. Wake up! Malawians… Read more »
Abale , Most of the comments I have read do not make sense. For example others say A Tumbuka……,others say, Akubela anthu…..etc. Firstly M’Mbelwa is NOT a Tumbuka. He is a Ngoni / Nguni. secondly, The Inkosi can NOT steal from his subordinates. This clearly shows that people who comment on these issues have NO understanding of the matter. It is our Ngoni culture, you can’t go to the Inkosi chimanja manja.Ayi!!!!! That is NOT acceptable. It is our culture. Leave us alone. This is how we treat our Inkosi. Palibe Vuto apa. Mind your own business.
Atumbuka tsopano!!!!!!! kupwetekana okha okha.
awa ndi Angoni, osati atumbuka. Don’t generalise
Atumbuka. koma iwe ndiwe wa Mmalawi momuno kapena your mind is corrupted?
Mbelwa is not Tumbuka.
There is another one called Masabani jere who has cheated people of T/A Mzikubola four times that they contribute; money, goats, chickens, maize for his fake installation as Chief Mzikubola. All this time it has always failed. They have been using the money to defend his chieftency lanngle with Zowala Jere in court. Please investigate this as well. Watinamiza ka 4. They share the money with; Chizumba nguluwe, Daniel Gausi, chikomeni Thole and Group village Langa.
This is common with T/As in the Central Region. Just visit one T/A around Lilongwe will see how many herds of cattle they own
Atumbuka you are sitting phwii pampando while this thief is increasing your poverty. Find a way to sort him out.
These are not Tumbukas Lady Desderata, they are Ngonis. The Chief of Tumbukas is Themba Chikulamayembe of Nkhamanga Kingdom.
Themba Chikulamayembe the person who is not even a Tumbuka himself
Cattlegate kkkkkkk ACB ntchito iyo mugwileni m’mbelwayo akaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
This is common with all these TAs. Go to Ncheu TA Makwangwala is the same story. Small villages are being split into even smaller sub-villages for the TA to increase his grip and power. Its not a secret its everywhere.Check!!!!!!!