MP Gumba Banda says Malawi now failed state

Member of Parliament for Mchinji South West (Malawi Congress Party –MCP) Deus Gumba Banda has bemoaned  the plethora of crises  that puts Malawi as  a failed state.

Gumba Banda: Plethora of crises in Malawi

Banda told Parliament  that electricity blackouts which are now at the rate of 37 hours out of every 48 hour period of the time are as calamitous to the people’s livelihoods as they are disruptive to the economy.

He made the remarks during her contribution on President Peter Mutharika’s opening address to the 47th session of Parliament delivered on November 10.

“Small to medium enterprises are on their knees with many going out of business. Quality of life at household levels is disintegrating by the end of the day,” pointed out Banda.

The MP said the deplorable state of public healthcare in Malawi  shows how the government has abandoned its priorities in serving the people resulting in thousands people dying from curable diseases.

He said prospects for development will be realised if the population suffers from ill health,
and if visitors and investors alike are not assured of access to quality health care in the country.

“Lives of people are under real threats. Hospitals are encountering operational challenges due to shortage of power supply. Critical areas such as intensive care unit are not running, endangering the very lives of patients which health care services are meant to save,” he said.

He also queried President Peter Mutharika and his government projection that economy  would grow at 5.5 percent, wondering how an  economy reeling from the effects of prolonged power outages  can achieve the 5.5 per cent growth.

“Unavailability of power entails severe reduction in industrial production. Decline in production is inflationary since the supply of commodities diminishes as demand rises.

“Commodity prices end up scaling or spiralling uncontrollably to fuel inflation. “

The MP said state of affairs shall worsen the already high unemployment levels.

He said as the rampaging blackouts are not enough causes of worry, Malawians are becoming frustrated with government’s increasing dissent in reforming the electoral law with a view of upgrading the standard of the  presidential vote from the current first-past-the-post vote to 50 per cent plus one system.

Banda said it is clear that President Mutharika cannot fix the plethora of crises.

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7 years ago

I would request the president to also make a surprise visit to hospitals and if he really cares for Malawians I expect him to weep and probably feel guilty for the destruction of out Warm Heart of Africa.

7 years ago

There are real failed institutions in the country that you have failed to recognize. Such institutions are led by people with honourary degrees from unaccredited religious universities. The institutions that have made history by producing the first ever leadership in Malawi to be ruled out of order in their response to a well crafted and delivered speech in parliament.
Bravo Mr Speaker by showing people’s dullness that they haven’t said anything of substance in their cry for the presidency that they will never attain.

Longani pyanu
Longani pyanu
7 years ago
Reply to  Hatton

The honourable mp has explained with a clear picture of how things are in Malawi giving the consequences of prolonged blackout, poor health service delivery especially to ordinary Malawians. Now,can you mention clearly the failed institutions which are being led by the failed leaders with fake honorary degrees and mention the fake religious institutions pliz.Facts only not your stupid blur blur like your fellow toothless goat

7 years ago
Reply to  Hatton

its terrible with a country that has low resources income like Malawi…youths are tryng harder to empower themselves but system failing em still…afrikan leaders why….???

7 years ago

Those who support mediocrity now, time is coming they will reflect. See what is happening to Mugabe now. Continue supporting the crooked DPP leadership

7 years ago

Alomwe tafikapo polemela ndi ndalama za misonkho ya a Malawi. Musanati tiba mpaka M’Malawi aliyese atafika posaukitsitsa. And tigawa ndalama Ma vote akamayandikira pano ndi nthawi yoti tibe mpaka 2018.

7 years ago

We sure need MPs who can think on their feet! This ckind of analysis is very advanced for the people who are trying to kill the nation. Bravo Mlonyeni! Bravo Deus Gumba!

7 years ago

Desperation! desperation! desperation. Kodi ka 5-1 kaja kakupatsani matama chonchi? You will be shocked again. APM is coming back in 2019. Mufune musafune. Muonanso. You mean you cant see that Government is doing its best to address the peoples concerns and to spearhead development. I know you are not happy with inflation going down and the coming back of donors. Magetsi akangokonzedwa muzinena chani pa campaign yanu?

7 years ago

Stupid Gumba!!! We in the Lomwe Belt are not reading that way. You won’t succeed shoving such a yarn into the gullible Malawians. To the contrary this country under the wise leadership of our own beloved brother Pitala has seen unprecedented blackouts including corruption,and tribalism that are helping us get more grounds amongst the masses because of increased decline of small and medium businesses. These failing business will now need us to get bailed out of their poverty. That’s when we will use the money we are siphoning from these free falling parastatals to give them kangachepe to start afresh… Read more »

7 years ago

Those who support medocrity now, time will come they will reflect what is happening to Mugabe. Continue supporting DPP and its crooked leadership. God is not stupid

Nganiza Muthulika
7 years ago

Stupid man. Ignorant is what u are

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