MP Kamlepo scolds 2nd deputy speaker Chiwaya over ‘dishonorable’ behaviour

Outspoken flamboyant Rumphi East legislator Kamlepo Kalua has branded UDF Mangochi Central lawmaker and second deputy speaker of parliament Dr Clement Chiwaya a ‘childish bully’ and a dishonourable man for his threats on a fellow Mangochi MP over President Peter Mutharika’s money and power, Nyasa Times can exclusively report.

Kalua: Chiwaya don’t be a bully

Kalua joined the fray between the two warring Mangochi MPs and vehemently defended Chambo against the purported hounding by former Minister of Persons with Disability, Chiwaya.

The seemingly infuriated self-styled militant Rumphi lawmaker explicitly scolded the unapologetic Chiwaya with all cylinders firing in a private Whatsapp group for Members of Parliament with a cheeky but poignant message exclusively accessed by Nyasa Times, telling him to stop niggling and intimidating his ‘good friend’ who he described as a good man.

Kalua , who is best known for being a fearless daredevil said: “Chiwaya stop issuing threats to people. You are a lawmaker who must lead by example. What message are you putting out there by threatening your fellow member of parliament?”

The firebrad politician described MP Chambo as a good man with a fine moral fibre, saying that he (Chambo) is his friend and that if Chiwaya continues issuing his cheap threats he (Kamlepo Kalua) will deal with him.

An exasperated Kalua added: “Chiwaya, who told you that Mangochi is your personal estate? What makes you think you own Mangochi? Mangochi is owned by the people who voted for you as an MP. Stop being ‘dishonourable’ or I will fix you and put you in your right place.”

After Kalua’s message, tempers flared as the MPs took turns in a verbal crossfire, some attacking Chiwaya for his denigrating and disparaging behaviour, while a handful others defended him.

But Kalua kept firing warning shots to Chiwaya advising him to stop building castles in the air by believing that he is still a powerful man in Mangochi.

“Stop bluffing yourself (Chiwaya) you don’t own Mangochi. Face reality, you have lost it,” said Kalua.

Chiwaya was impenitently defiant and challenged Kamlepo “to bring it on!”

“You don’t scare me, Kamlepo,” challenged Chiwaya.

Sensing imminent danger and seeing that the things were getting out of hand, Balaka North UDF Parliamentarian and music maestro Lucius Banda intervened and swiftly asked Kamlepo (Kalua) and (Clement) Chiwaya to cease fire.

“Honourable members, I humbly implore and beg you to please slow down. Take a chill pill. Let’s us not blow the bubbles out of this issue. Let us handle this issue in an honourable manner,” said Lucius Banda who is popularly known as Soldier in the music circles.

One MP who is in the secret ‘Members of Parliament  Whatsapp group speaking on anonymity said: “This issue looks simple on the surface but on the deep, it is a serious matter needing an urgent attention.  As a country, we cannot afford to have an honourable behaving like a riffraff. This, to say the least, is a clear indication that as a country we have lost the plot. If MPs can behave or talk like a bandit,  then we should forget our youth to be decent in their behaviours? We seriously need to know Jesus and his disciples.

A few days ago two prominent Members of Parliament from the densely-populated Mangochi Lake District in Malawi had a hard-nosed verbal spat over President Peter Mutharika’s money and power following his visit to the Lake District.

The two Mangochian politicians engaged themselves into verbal tirade fighting over Mangochi District’s political bragging rights as well as the K10 million the Malawian leader gave out towards the event and who must be closer to President Peter Mutharika who was visiting the district.

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misozi banda
misozi banda
8 years ago

chiwaya son of a bastard. and this issue yo blowinger ndalama by the president mutu wake ukugwila?anyway anthu wa satifikitsa kutali.kodi ana athuwa basi azingova izi, nosenu mukadzafa anawa azayambila pati????????/

james amini
james amini
8 years ago

which MP here has a doctorate? musapusitsike ndi ma honourary degree-watu. ya chiwaya ndingati ya akweni,Uladi, joyce banda, getrude mutharika,george patridge….zongovala osati zolowera mu class. as for chiwaya although he has a degree in pokitical science, deep down ndi bulutu weni weni,am sure anali ataledzera kwambiri at the time…ndichidakwa zedi. shame…

8 years ago

A Chiwaya, ili ndi dziko. Kumakhala MA about turn! Ask Bright Malopa, Ntata, Mtumodzi etc. Mukafika pamalo mmafuna anthu one akulambireni. Moyo sichoncho.

8 years ago

Look at these BIG FOOLS OF THIS COUNTRY, What they think is to steal and not working hard.Big educated fools with there doctorate. What is K10 Million When people have USD BILLIONS. May be your fathers didn’t love you people enough or sons of hooligans

Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
8 years ago

I strongly believe that all factors being equal Kamlepo Kalua will rule this country at any time in the near future…… sooner or later, it is my prophesy

James Chikanga
8 years ago

Pa Udindo Simukwana Achiwaya

Samuel Lwara.
Samuel Lwara.
8 years ago

Money Money!! kkkk. Hell to Chiwaya. Just do what is right and be honorable once more. ..
But where did Peter get the money that is at the helm of dishonorable??? If its profits from Zambia maize deal through Chaponda a and Adnarc, then its unfortunaye.

8 years ago

Zitsiru za wanthu
.mapupwe pa chisena.agalu anambwa. Dyera basi ndiye inakuvutani. Mxiiiii..

DH Gelu
DH Gelu
8 years ago

Foolish dishonourable politicians. You can go to hell because you have not helped to develop this country because of greed and thirsty for money at the expense of impoverished Malawians.

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