MP Navicha hopeful Mutharika and DPP to retain power in 2019 polls
Thyolo-Thava member of Parliament (MP) Mary Navicha (Democratic Progressive Party -DPP ) has sid DPP should be “hopeful” about winning the 2019 Malawi Tripartite Elections, saying opposition support will be dropping off life’s conveyor belt as time draws near to next election.

“We need to start realising that this is not time for politics. Malawians and everyone else in this country do not need politics. Therefore, let us all desist from playing cheap politics. Time for campaign is coming in 2019. We will have ample time for politics. I believe this time around Malawians especially people from Khwethemule and Mphuka and all Malawians are looking forward to receiving the development that, through our leaders, we promised them in 2014,” said Nanvicha in Parliament.
She was making her contribution on President Peter Mutharika’s opening address to the 47th session of Parliament delivered on November 10.
Navicha said in 2014 elections Malawians voted for the DPP manifesto and asked all leaders of political parties in the House to remember that “it is only the DPP manifesto that is prevailing as a policy guiding instrument at this hour.”
She said political “leaders must therefore learn to tell the truth” and “bring hope” as President Mutharika did by highlighting a number of projects taking place in all the regions.
“There are so many projects taking place. We talk of infrastructural development in colleges, the Cancer Centre, roads infrastructure, the Greenbelt Initiative just to mention but a few,” said Navicha.
“Only if these leaders had eyes to see and ears to hear, they could realise that Malawi is on the right path with its economy taking shape and having single digit inflation. This is what we call progress or development,” said the Thyolo-Thava MP.
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navitcha or whatever your name is. Malawians have unanimously agreed to vote dpp out and replace it with MCP. You’ll see in 2019.
Only insane people can agree with you Navicha
This lady must be living in another country not here. Pathetic. The current economic status of this country does not need economy books to understand. Speaking of what they dont understand. I cry for the country.
Of course could be that she and her family are at peace in this country while some of us are struggling.
Navicha, Navicha, Navicha! How many times have I called your name? Shame on you! People are suffering in Malawi and you have courage to utter such rubbish. You better keep your mouth short and see what will happen in 2019. Malawians are tired. I am from the southern region but all my relatives who were staunch DPP supporters have all of a sudden changed their minds. They are for MCP now.
So what? If your relatives have gone MCP does it mean all of will follow suit? shame on you. You will be surprised come 2019 Mr. or Mrs. Omex70
Navitcha kwanu ulindimagesi iwe MP wanji wopanda masomphenya.
I think quarry wakubandula Ku ubongo
this Hon Mary Navicha is a mental hospital candidate. Now we have 3 mental candidates in the Lhomwe belt.
We are saying small businesses are dying because of long hours blackouts and she says we should consider cancer center and the low inflation as good development.
Will your low inflation, pay school fees for my kids this term?
Lol hahahahaha pointless
Whether or not DPP has done what they said they would do, it’s up to the voter to tell us because that is exactly what they wanted when they cast that vote. But it is the voter at home, in the street, at work places, at drinking joints who are say DPP has done nothing. Ask comrade Mugabe where the truth in politics comes from. Certainly not from colleagues in the party but the street. Ask Kasaila whether Peter will ever believe him when he will again tell him DPP is going to win in any election.
Kkkk…koma This lady is mad…a Malawi anakupasani ka starter in the by elections.. Just so DPP sees what is coming 2019..I speak for majority of Malawians..we are fed up of this useless government.. Incompetent president.. Prince of thieves..corrupt bastards.