Muluzi in Lesotho to lead Commonwealth observers for polls
Malawi former president Bakili Muluzi on Saturday arrived in Maseru, Lesotho, leading a team of Commonwealth observers for the country’s parliamentary elections.
On arrival at the airport, Muluzi – who is also Africa’s Goodwill Ambassador on Governance and Human Rights -said he was “delighted” to be in Lesotho for such an important mission.
He will address a press conference on Monday 21 May 2012 at Lesotho Sun at midday to outline the Observer Group’s mission and objectives.

Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma said Muluzi will lead the Commonwealth Observer Group to the Lesotho Parliamentary Elections, to be held on 26 May 2012.
“I am grateful to President Muluzi and other members of the Group for accepting to serve on this important undertaking. The Commonwealth attaches great importance to conducting credible elections as a means of strengthening democracy and giving citizens the opportunity to choose their leaders,” he said.
Sharma added: “Credible and peaceful elections are a litmus test of how healthily the democratic culture in a country is taking root.”
Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN) Chairperson Aloisius Nthenda is also in the team to monitor the polls.