Mutharika consoles family of Malawi Covid-19 3rd victim: Praises health workers
Malawian family grieving for their relative who has succumbed to Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has received heartfelt condolences from President Peter Mutharika.

Ministry of Health on Wednesday reported five new virus cases and also confirmed that one person had died to the coronavirus.
In a statement released by presidential press secretary Mgeme Kalilani, President Mutharika expressed his profound grief.
“This death comes on a very sad day when Malawi has also registered 6 more active cases of coronavirus within 24 hours, raising the total of Coronavirus cases to 23,” Mutharika said in a statement made available to Nyasa Times Wednesday evening.
“The deceased was one of the 6 newly confirmed cases,” he added.
According to Joshua Malango, the Ministry of Health spokesperson, the deceased had other underlying ailments.
In his statement, Mutharika said he will keep the family in his heart and thoughts throughout their time of mourning.
Mutharika has since urged Malawians to show their self-discipline and quiet resolve during the coronavirus pandemic.
The President thanked the front-line health workers including doctors and nurses during this increasingly challenging time of the virus pandemic.
Mutharika appealed to Malawians to rise to the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic, maintain the extreme social distancing and “take necessary precautions“ to prevent the spread of coronavirus and fight to save lives.
The Secretary for Health, Dan Namalika, warned Wednesday morning that the situation could worsen if no bold decision is made quickly to stop the spread of the pandemic in the country.
“We are at war and the war continues, it’s up to us Malawians to choose life, we have opportunity to control the disease,” he said.
Namarika cautioned that based on the Kuunika Modelling of the virus pandemic, out of the 17 million population, Lilongwe could be the hardest hit with 1.5 million Covi-19 patients’ expected and 5 000 deaths.
Malawi has a relatively small number of infections compared to other countries, but there are concerns a sudden surge in cases could lead to a major outbreak in the landlocked southern African poor nation.
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Oh please Mr President, don’t be that obvious! Caring president kkkkkkkkk even a child in the village knows better. And Namarika, people did not forget how you can lie for your tribal party, they still remember how you were part of the big lie to fly a dead body of Bingu to South Africa instead being honest that he has died. Look at the truth coming out about how you are lying about the Covid-19 figures, no regard for the impact on the poor people you are pushing to stigmatization.
If only APM were honest!
If only you were honest and not cast the first stone.
Dr Dan Namarika…………………I think thats a reckless statement to the NATION. Thats instilling fear and panick, since the outbreak world wide, not even USA doctors have uttered such nonsensical words to their nation. That clearly indicates how loyal you have become to the rulling party.
Lets wait and see, if that never happens we will pin you down with your statement.
That’s the problem of appointing kindergarten to responsible positions. This little fellow is instilling fear in people and statements like the one he’s made should be avoided at all cost. Makes you wonder whether he’s advancing someone’s agenda in so doing.
We’ve said it before that the management of this pandemic should have been inclusive and not left to DPP influence where statements like Namarika’s cannot be challenged by his DPP colleagues for fear of reprisals.Sad as my comment may sound, I see partisan politics in all this.
kindergarten can brave to lead indeed i agree with you mtete he cant challenge the dausis etc
dzana ankati 50,000 people will die.
japie ali kutiko kodi
This virus has just started WHO projects it will be worse in the coming months 1.3million deaths in africa
What is so special with a Covid-19 death to attract presidential condolences? Don`t we have any other deaths in the country? But DPP Covid-19 kalipokalipo.
I am also baffled with this condolence as if the earlier covid deaths were not death at all.
mdara iwe tseka ma borders.silly old cow
Exactly Thyolo Thava Boy. Hundreds of people are dying in Malawi everyday and have never had condolence message from this fake president. And mind you, the majority are dying needlessly due to corruption by this government that they can not supply the necessary medication and equipments into our hospitals. Shame on them.
Umbuli ndimatenda Ankolo. Mukudwala inu. Mwadwalika.
Is there any evidence that the president personally consoled the latest bereaved family by composing and writing the message himself? From reading this article, an aide or DPP operative could as well have written and issued the statement without the president’s knowledge.
I do not recall any article about the president consoling the families of the first two Covid victims.
What is the president up to these days? Was his last appearance not over two weeks ago when announcing his lockdown.
was the other family consoled too..?
DPP wants to scire a point that indeed the virus us spreading like bush fire, thats why they are using Cadets boys ,like Namalikha if you can remember Namalikha has been suggesting for lock down from day one, and he even said that Elections should be cancelled and channel the money to corona virus, no wonder DDP is using this CADET , to scare innocent malawians by bringing half backed information,
Thyolo boy
Mutharika should have gone to the family and breathe in the COVID air deeply. Touch allllll the covid germs. Then touch his mouth, eyes and nose. Wouldn’t that be wonderful!
You’ve just cracked me up APM.
Is this one still around!
Chakwera and chilima are busy with politics and busy fighting for the presidential position that they will never get. Mutharika is the president of Malawi until 2024 like it or not but get used to
Total lie uwona pa 2 July what will happen, we are tiredtu with these black outs, since his taking over govt. to date black outs all through.
Only 11 % of Malawi has access to electricity. That is not a problem, pita ukavotele Mcp or Utm sitikusowa. Southern ndi Eastern yonse pambuyo pa Apm.