Mutharika explains restructuring of some ministries: ‘Hit the ground running and serve Malawi people’

President Peter Mutharika says he has restructured some ministries to ensure that critical issues are given appropriate attention.

President Peter Mutharika addresses Cabinet Ministers after being sworn in at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre-(c) Abel Ikiloni, Mana
Cross section of the Cabinet Ministers at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre-(c) Abel Ikiloni, Mana

The President has split several ministries to accommodate alliance partner United Democratic Front (UDF) and some officials from the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)  including newcomers Chimwemwe Chipungu as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security and Grezelder Jeffrey as deputy minister of Local Government and Rural Development.

Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development has been split as Francis Kasaila is now Minister of Agriculture and Food Security while controversial DPP regional governor (South) Charles Mchacha has been elevated from deputy minister of Transport and Public Works to Minister of Irrigation and Water Development.

The Head of State has also split the ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining.

Mutharika has given the newly-created Ministry of Energy to UDF leader Atupele Muluzi while the Ministry of Natural Resources and Mining was given to time political foe Henry Chimunthu Banda but the former Speaker has turned down the appointment, with Werani Chilenga, making a comeback as deputy.

Speaking on Saturday at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre during swearing-in ceremony of the newly appointed cabinet ministers and their deputies, Mutharika said for instance Irrigation and Water Department has become an independent Ministry because “we want to achieve food security.”

Mutharika further urged all the ministers to be united and work together for the betterment of Malawians and the country as a whole.

“I am optimistic that you will deliver in the portfolios that I have assigned you. You must all rise to the occasion. Let us be united and always work as team.

“Let us not undermine each other as we discharge our various mandates.  We are all members of one Cabinet, performing different functions but serving one people,” said Mutharika.

He urged the central policy making organ of the government to work for the benefit of the people.

“I am aware that we must continue to construct more roads, school blocks, hospitals and many other basic infrastructures.

“We need to address challenges that are still dogging our energy sector.

“We must continue improving the lives of all Malawians. I therefore urge you to hit the ground running and serve,” added Mutharika.

In the Cabinet, Mutharika has maintained dethroned vice-president Everton Chimulirenji, who appears second on the list, as Minister of Disaster Management Affairs and Public Events while Saulos Chilima who was reinstated as   State Vice-President by the Constitutional Court has been excluded from the list and was not at the swearing in ceremony.

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4 years ago

President akusewela chess osati draft

4 years ago

This is campaign cabinet. These people are not there to serve us. The poor leadership starts with the first gentleman how do you expect misters to be committed? The wise will not join your government this time. You haven’t lived to your 20 cabinet members. You just want to squander our taxes

4 years ago

Two months then you are gone with your useless cabinet

4 years ago

“Hit the ground running and serving people” he says. I wonder in what way will the people be served other than palm oiling a few greedy individuals with embezzled taxpayers money or obscene donations from some quarters.

4 years ago

This is surely the most useless president in the history of Africa, no legacy to speak of.

4 years ago

ee ee tisankhe presdwnt kaye.musaculukidwe bwain.

thokoza corona virus yi bwa.
kutitenga ku ntoso wti—

4 years ago

Bravo Muntharika for creating Ministry of Natural Resources. And better if it were Ministry of forestry.

Thats Me
Thats Me
4 years ago

Their days are numbered. They should work up and smell the coffee.

4 years ago

Too little too late. You left people of Chiradzulu long time ago. Primary and Secondary schools are really in bad state. Cost of food is beyond many people. People are suffering in Malawi.

4 years ago

kaci ngati????? maboza basi kufuna kusankhidwaso.. sausilu ife ai..k100 bilion ili kuti.mxiii

galu wa ncila tatopa.ndi ma empty promises

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