Mutharika under pressure to fire 2 ministers
President Peter Mutharika is under intense pressure to fire two Cabinet ministers following a leaked video clip exposing them on issues of allowances.

Health Minister Jappie Mhango and Information Minister Mark Botomani attempted to lie on hefty allowances they receive on a daily basis.
The two were unaware that the microphone was on when they discussed how to crookedly hide the allowance issue.
But Malawians have taken up on various social media platforms asking Mutharika to fire them if they cannot resign themselves.
This is in regard to their involvement in the restructured special cabinet committee on the coronavirus pandemic.
Botomani, the government spokesperson has on several occasions vehemently denied pocketing allowances for doing their work in relation to the pandemic.
He has since asked for more time before commenting on the matter.
NTCHONA is firing NO ONE. Jane ansah ali pheeee.
Mutharika has openly challenged all azibusa aja a PAC he says he cannot fire commissioners for the job well done last year’s election. He extended his challenge to the Judges sc and shame them ALL. Commissioners will still man elections. Judges wangoti YUNDU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muthalika ndiye mbava yayikulu he failed to fire Ansa he can not fire these thieves because they are together. It is unfortunate have such president entrusted with Malawian Pace to look after with all these thievery activities we hear every day. We need to remove thieves in government and put a new government period.
Mutharika should fire himself.
Anthu awa ndi anyapapi okhaokha
Rotten State; Rotten Ministers; Rotten Leadership; Rotten Sympathisers: A lot of rot in today’s Malawi. Everything starts and ends with corruption. Shame
Eishhhhh these people make me sick……😡😡😡
thupi la esau mawu ndi yakobo, tidzayamba titaonetsetsa kupewa chinyengo , utm ndi mcp manyazi mulibe ,chithunzicho ndi cha jap ndi botoman koma mawuwo ndi a mfakamfaka za utm, inu anthu simukuona jappie ndi botoman si anthu opusa ngati mmene mumaganizira inu otsutsa ,Dzitsiru ndi dzomwe dzingakhulupilire za chibwana ngati zimenezi
Very true, named a new name to DANIEL PHIRI.
kkkkkk komatu ankolo mukanamasiyanisa za editing ndiza original kkkkk this is real ndipo musamakhale opusa edited simasowa this is real musatitenge amalawi ngati opusa do u think zikanakhala zabhoza akanaziyikia pa air chonchi
Mukachosa ma allowance anthu oyendawo akagonela chiani akadya chiyani, a Botomani? It’s part of the terms and conditions of services that when you are away from your duty station you are entitled to daily subsistence allowances and fuel. The issue could be on the rates used. If you use authorized rates that’s fine and I am sure they are coz the administration can not process any thing outside the law. So Honourable Botomani is caught out of order.
Tilipo Ife tigwira ntchitoyi mwaukadaulo osasakadza chuma cha Malawi. Enanu mwayesa kuti vuto latigwelali ndi mwayi opangila chuma.
You fool, how do you call a thief honourable? Do you need K450,000 a day for fuel and accommodation a day in Malawi?
Yes, if you calculate you will find they are not robbing anyone. Fuel for the Prado to Chitipa from Lilongwe and back=140,000, accommodation at Mzuzu Sunbird=85,000/night. Food=30,000. Subsistence allowance=195.
Akulu k450 000 inali risk allowance osati zama fuel zanuzo … Zimenezo ndi ndalamaso Zina zapadela zomwe amalandila …dont fool people here you corrupt minded