Nankhumwa, DPP ‘rebels’ case adjourned to December 1

The High Court in Lilongwe has adjourned to December 1 a case in which embattled Leader of Opposition in parliament Kondwani Nankhumwa and three other key opposition  Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members are fighting  against their expulsion from the party.

DPP members of parliament and followers in solidarity with Nankhumwa

Lawyer for the national governing council of the DPP Emmanuel Theu said he asked for the adjournment to allow him and his team consult the NGC officials who fired Nankhumwa, secretary general Grezelder Jeffrey, treasurer general Jappie Mhango and MP in Mulanje Yusuf Nthenda.

“We were served with sworn statements on Friday for the hearing on Monday so we did not have time for consultations with our clients.

“We asked for the adjournment because our clients are out for the functional review of the party,” said Theu.

DPP fired Nankhumwa as Leader of Opposition, vice president for the party in the south and member of the party.

The party also fired Jeffrey as secretary general and member of the party, Mhango as treasurer general and member of the party and Nthenda as member of the party.

The four went to court and obtained a court injunction against their dismissal from the former ruling party.

However the party already replaced the three; Samuel Tembenu is the new secretary general and Joseph Mwanamvekha is the vice president of the party for the south.

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Alamu Pumani Mwakalamba

The courts are wasting time with political cases which can be resolved at a Party Convention. You must know that people are crying out there with delayed justice especially at Industrial Relations Courts. Please Hon. Chief Justice help the people with genuine cases and not with cases whose people are party cadres. Membership of parties is voluntary and the parties have their code of conduct. There should be a precedent to stop parties from abusing the courts. Give other justice seekers a chance.

Diaspora activist
4 years ago

Theu ali busy akufuna adye kaye za Bushiri

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