Neno Chiefs pledge support towards safe motherhood initiative
Traditional leaders from Malawi’s southern district of Neno are pledging their support towards the Presidential Initiative on Safemotherhood which seeks to improve maternal health as well reduce maternal deaths among women.
They were speaking at a meeting held by chairperson of the initiative Senior Chief Kwataine on at the headquarters of Traditional authority Chekucheku in the district.
The chiefs were reacting to Kwataine’s plea to them to take a leading role on issues pertaining to Safemotherhood in their respective areas.
The chiefs assured Kwataine that they are to form committees in their respective areas that would begin to mobilize the community on Family Planning, Nutrition, HIV/AIDS prevention and removal of harmful traditional practices including early marriages.

They said the committees will ensure increasing the number of trained midwives and construction of maternity waiting shelters countrywide.
Senior Chief Kwataine told the traditional leaders that the initiative is not only focusing on delivery of health services but also addressing root causes of poor maternal health through community mobilization.
Early in the week Senior Chief Kwataine also trained about 60 Chiefs at Lunzu Hall in T.A. Kapeni’s headquarters in Blantyre on maternal health.
Several nurses attended the meeting and were urged to assist pregnant women during deliveries.
“We know the job you have can be quite challenging but we are humbly asking you to execute your duties with care and love for pregnant women,” said Kwataine.