NICE debates exposes aspirants’ ignorance on their roles
The road to 2014 tripartite elections seems to be a tough ride to most aspirants as some do not know what their jobs entails.
This was evidenced through the recent debates organized by National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) for aspiring Councilors and Members of Parliament for Mzimba East and Mzimba Solora constituencies
Most of the aspiring Councilors who took part in the debates seem not to know their job description as they were all speaking of building hospitals once they are voted into power when it is the duty of MPs to lobby for big projects.
Besides, it was noted that some aspiring MPs focused more on praising their party presidents and party manifestos but failed to express themselves on what they are going to do for their communities once voted into power.

Speaking in an interview NICE District Civic Education Officer for Mzimba Edward Nkhata said their organization thought to conduct these debates as a way for the people to have a feel of the manifestos of their aspirants for them to make an informed decision on who to vote for.
“Most people do not have a chance to attend all the meetings by candidates during the campaign period hence these kind of debates can enable the voters to see and hear what is in stall for them once they vote a certain candidate to power,” Nkhata said
He said this initiative is also meant to expose the candidates as some people just hear the candidates’ names but do not know them personally.
DPP aspiring MP for Mzimba Solora Shira Kaunga Nyirenda said this was a very good development and it will make the candidates revisit their manifestos because questions asked by the patrons have made her to know what people want their leaders to do for them once voted into power.
On the other hand, Charles Nyasulu, one of the people who patronized the debate said it is a very good initiative to do such events because they are an eye opener to the voters who most of the times are only blinded by the gifts given by aspirants who end up deviating from their promises once in power.
However, Nyasulu was quick to point out that the debates have started a little late since there are only a few days to go before the official launch of the campaign period.
NICE has so far conducted debates in two constituencies out of the eight in Mzimba South and are expected to reach out in the remaining six before the campaign period ends.
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