Nkhotakota form four students suspended indefinitely
Just four months before the final form four examinations, the Malawi School Certificate of Examinations, all form four students at Nkhotakota Secondary School have been indefinitely sent packing Wednesday for refusing to write the school’s mid-term examinations.

The students action came as a protest strategy as they claim that they are far behind in learning to complete their syllabus though only four months remain before they write the Malawi National Examinations Boards (MANAB) exams.
There have been disagreements between the form four students and the teachers on mid-term examinations which the students were told to write before leaving for their mid-term holiday.
The students had been telling their teachers that they could not write the mid-term tests because they were worried with their actual examinations as they are not sure if the teachers would be able to teach them all the topics in their syllabus in the remaining four months before the MANEB exams.
“We still have many subjects to cover in Agriculture and English as key subjects as such that we see no reason for writing the mid-term tests instead of proceeding with our normal classes to cover the topics,” explained the students.
They continued narrating their problems: “For instance, in English literature, the books of Romeo and Juliet, and Smoldering charcoal, they still remain idle, while the books of Looking for Rain God and Unsung Song, we are only at introduction level.”
The school management tried to reason with the students but their negotiations yielded nothing and the school’s head-teacher, Grecian Reuben proceeded to suspend all the form four students and told them to leave the school.
The head teacher refused to speak to LINA on the matter but the District Education Manager’s Office said the issue was amicably resolved when their office intervened two weeks ago, on February 24, and said they were not aware of the suspension of the students.
Meanwhile, all form 4 students have left the school campus peacefully without any reports of vandalism at the school. – LINA
It is important that the students must obey their teachers at all times. How could they become reliable and disciplined personnel of tommorrow in reputable orgainisations? One is not supposed to be spoon fed all the time, the students are also supposed to study and learn on their own as the teachers do their supervision. Lackily enough they are saying they have got study materials which they can use and that they know the topics. Challenging supervisors in such a way is indiscipline and the students are wasting their own time and their future is deteriorating because of their misbehaviour.… Read more »
Nonsense, I speak as a former teacher. What the students have done is uncalled for. they were supposed to sit for the exams and fail. that should have been proof to the teachers that they have not done enough. secondly the stupidity of the learners is also seen in their failure to realise that they would have been learning quite a lot out of the exams. I hate it when people shower insults on teachers, you have no idea what teachers go through with secondary school students.
I think the students have a point. Why waste precious time on internal exams when they are far behind in the syllabus? The exams would be of no benefit to them or the teachers. They need to complete the syllabus to allow time for revision before the MSSCE. Incidentally, I taught English in Mzuzu Govt. Sec. in the 80s and the students had very little confidence in their Malawian teachers. Indeed I found when discussing the syllabus with fellow teachers that they had a very poor grasp of the subject matter. I have much sympathy with pupils in Malawi secondary… Read more »
Ki Nkhotakota paja chimapezekatu chambili, Anawa ndi obema kanundu
test ndiyofunika to know whatever little they claim to have learned if they indeed understand it for easy of what to do in revision time
Students and teachers all are stupit
Really ? Come on u mean the literature books are still nat done even one book, be serious teachers. Where were you all this time? Something is wrong with you, students are just right…how can u asses them to things they are not taught…* feel bad. Now. Sending students back what does it mean* ma headmaster ena*
kodi aphunzitsi akamalembetsa mayeso amakhala kuti akufuna chani.Ine ndimaona ngati amafuna kudziwa kuti ana ali pati.Koma apa ana anena kale kuti sali bwino.Ndiye aphunzitsi ndi chifukwa chiani mukukakamira kufuna kudziwa zomwe mwauzidwa kale.Chimene mukufuna ndikuchidziwa mukufuna kulembetsa mayeso kenaka muzingokhala.ndinu nfiti dzianyapala
Teachers are the main culprits as the educational standards are nose diving.the students are ryt
Ana osakhwima nzeru mukupangiranji zimenezi??
Lost generation. Very sad indeed. Nthawi ya kamuzu imakoma heavy even this time timapita ku nsewu crop inspection tour timakhonzabe mkalasi koma lero hmmmm Zitsiru za ana kukana zilizonse
Lost generation indeed. Test results were going to give feedback to the students themselves. This was going to assist in guiding their study areas. Shame.