Nkhotakota people demand transfer of DC : Malawi govt given 10 days ultimatum
Nkhotakota concerned citizens have given Ministry of Local Government a ten days ultimatum to transfer District Commissioner (DC) and other three people for being incompetent in the execution of their duties.

The group which staged a marched today on April 30, 2015 from Nkhotakota ADMARC to the DC’s office before giving their petition to Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Member of Parliament of Nkhotakota central constituency Peter Mazizi.
The concerned citizens need an immediate transfer of the DC Felix Mkandawire, Griffin Mhango Director of Planning and Development (DPD), Lester Nyambosi Lands officer and Mr Chavinda of Nation Intelligence Bureau (NIB).
Upon arrival at the DC’s office the matchers were disappointed to find all offices closed, to them the DC and others voluntarily transferred.
According to the petition seen, the DC does not comply with the local government act which gives people in the district to access all information related to plans and all transactions the assembly does for the development of the district.
On his remarks, chairperson of the group Thomson Halidi said “Nkhotakota is for us and we need the ministry to give us other people who will comply with what the local act stipulates.
The assembly needs to follow the democratic values of accountability and transparency but unfortunately the current management has failed to observe hence the transfer of these people.
“We petitioned the ministry over the disagreement which erupted due to corrupt practices on the allocation of plots on airfield. We are optimistic we are going to be answered soon.”
On the DPD Griffin Mhango the group is alleging of being master-minder of disputes on the allocation of plots on the airfield.
Receiving the petition MP Peter Mazizi said people’s concerns are going to be delivered to the right people.
The concerned citizens further expressed unlawfully participation of Lands Officer Lester Nyambosi and Chavinda of NIB on the plot allocation on the airfield.
“This is happening within my constituency as such I couldn’t stay home but to be here. I appreciate for this peaceful march, this is their constitutional right,” concluded Mazizi.
The wrangle on the airfield started early this year following the successful list names which the Nkhotakota assembly released.
On the list according to the concerned citizens many people who applied were missing and many heads of different offices were among the successful people.
Nkhotakota inactive airfield has been demarcated for new bus depot, business and residential plots.
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Felix Mkandawire is mbuzi ya DC. The problem with local government is that they know vuto lamunthu but continue kumudalira. Felix tidamuthamangitsa kuno ku Dowa we had to close his office. Munthuyu ndi mulesi komanso mbava yothelatu uphatikiza mowa too much . He is not a DC material akuchititsani manyazi a nduna. Anduna athandizeni anthu a KK ali mmavuto.
Mtumbuka apa wapezeka.mtundu okonda kusolola ndi kachasu.leave kk alone pitani mukagulitse malo akukaya ku north not kk land. Anthu a kk samapita ku euthini or enukweni kukagalittsa malo.adhere to ten day ultimatum or else mukakoke mu office or kunyumba kwawo.the honey moon is over!! Pliz kk pple wake up enough iz enough
We will not have mercy on or its not a matter of puting your phone numbers or chamba or tribelism or how educated you are what ever you have been doing God almighty will reveal your foolishnes selfishnes this is just the begining or you want us to send the shooting of videos of what you have doin to the mbc if you challenge tell us? Idiots always dont accept idiotism we not fools we have to start afresh enough is enough
Ndingakumanyani Chala Anthu Aku KK kuti ndinu wakuona.ndingagulitsa malo mwachiphuphu pakuti ndimatumidwa ndimabwana amene ali mupetition.walawala ndi gowokeleni ine ndekha.apa ndawona kuti atumbuka tili selfish nanga ofesi ya DC YONSE tokha mpakana cleaner, messenger
The truth behind the matter is that Akotakota ali ndi vuto LA Obwera syndrome, the story behind the matter is that mayina anatuluka mix, and some notable (that’s what they think they R) Kotakotas mayina awo sanapezeke and they started having meetings against obwera omwe malo apasidwa! and these pipo akunamizira transparency! Mind you ngati kuli malo osatukuka NDE ndikumeneko and its due to this obwera syndrome!! The MP Mazizi, is the best don’t insult him!! he is not behind this!! walandira petition on behalf of the Ministry that’s all.. the place needs developments osati tizisakasa pa boma panji pomati… Read more »
Talakwira ife anthu a kk powapondeleza kwabasi.ife atumbuka timaona kuti ndife mashasha koma ayi ndife mazoba.kk yalankhula apa ndiye anduna tithazeni kutisamusa mofulumira zinthu zisanafike povuta
kwakwangwa and mache you are heroes.These people dd not employ themselves.The problem is that kk pple chamba too and the sad part of it is that an mp joins chamba smokers.I have huge respect for MCP MPs but this peter mazizi the mental faculty is not alright.The problem is with the chewas if you tell them to go for break at school they go home for good.Ngati mwapsa mtima ipsani mtima zenizeni and call 0 888 185 448.
fools of people, instead of dreaming how to acquire wealthy and manage the limited resources we have, you are busy tussling. Many people are jobless in your district and you take it as a very normal situation- fools. Fighting for positions won’t help you either, somebody was denied of land allocation, hence, mobilizing innocent en un educated people to rally for such demonstrations. I don’t think such area will suffice everybody in Nkhotakota district. Maybe it might be the member of parliament who is behind this- foolish ego…
DC Mkandawire anatenga One Mita Kupita Nayo Ku RSA
Tabwelelanso ku mzimba tizizamwa chill pa sankhawekha ndi pa kettie mkunkha,tizikacheka patabwa ku nkhalango basi we the ngoni we miss you,asiye osuta chamba kumeneko