Nyasa Big Bullets secures 13 hectares of land for stadium construction; Currently spends K30m annually in rentals
The country’s football powerhouse, Nyasa Big Bullets has secured 13 hectares of land in Mpemba, Blantyre where the club is expected to construct its football facilities.
The site, which is 7kms from the commercial city of Blantyre, was unveiled on Tuesday, December 28 and according to the team’s vice-president, Fleetwood Haiya, they expect to construct a stadium, two training grounds, a full club house and other required facilities.
Once completed it is set to help the club save in rental costs as they were spending over K30 million annually.

Haiya said the securing of the land is one of the fulfilment made by the Nyasa Big Bullets Board which they committed to build a stadium and club house.
He said despite the country and the world going through economic hardships due to CoVID-19, the Board — led by it’s president Konrad Burkle — thought it proper to honour the promise they made because the structures will also help to save as well as assist in generating money.
The facility shall have other amenities which shall also be leased to other companies or individuals.
“Everyone knows that Bullets is a big team in Malawi and it is high time we had a permanent home which can help the club do their business freely without any pressure or spending millions of money as is the case,” he said.
Bullets chief executive officer, Suzgo Nyirenda said they expect construction works to begin in March 2022 and make sure that, at least, the pitches are complete by June.
“We are going to have at least a 10,000 capacity or over 20,000 seater stadium which will be our official home matches. We just thank Nyasa Big Bullets management for approving this site,” Nyirenda said.
On his part, Bullets director of supporters Stone Mwamadi hailed the Board for securing the land, saying it is a sign that they are indeed committed and ready to fulfill their promises.
He said securing a stadium had been one of the aspirations that every Bullets supporter had been dreaming for the team to have.

Meanwhile, former Nation Publications Limited and Times Group journalist Archibald Kasakura has been named as new general secretary for Nyasa Big Bullets national supporters committee, replacing Mabvuto Chiwambo — who resigned from the position three months ago.
Kasakura, a renowned news analyst, has been recruited in an interim basis for a period of 6 months and his position is expected to be renewed based on performance.
Speaking after being unveiled at the team’s club office in Blantyre on Tuesday, Kasakura commended Bullets’ Board of Directors and the supporters committee for entrusting him with the position — which he promised to offer his services with the combination of the current leaders in making sure that the supporters committee is more vibrant.
“Honestly, I feel honoured for being trusted with this huge role,” he said. “The fact is, I can’t bring change on my own but through team work with my colleagues to bring positive things.
“Our main target is to take Bullets brand further by bringing new ways on how we can convince other new supporters to come and start following the team as well as making sure that we reach out in every zone from urban to rural — starting from Nsanje to Chitipa just to encourage the supporters to continue loving the team,” Kasakura said.
Director of supporters Mwamadi said they decided to seek for the services of Kasakura as he is someone who had passionately followed the team since his childhood.
“He has all the needed qualities to fit the position in terms education background,” Mwamadi said.
“Since Mr. Chiwambo left, there was a big gap and some activities were left unattended, so with the coming of Mr. Kasakura everything will be fine now.
“We always appreciate the good effort shown by Mr. Chiwambo during his tenure of office and we are very hopeful that our new GS will also give us his best,” he said.
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Train your supporters to be disciplined. Once they become disciplined, more supporters will join. Hooliganism has killed the flavour of the team. These days, whenever someone mentions the team, the first thing that comes to mind is hooliganism. Cry the once beloved Bullets.
Congratulations to nyasa big bullets and that is good development
Mesa peter muthalika anakupatsani malo
Wanted to ask the same question
Very good development