‘Of men of God, magicians and con artists’
They say ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’. The recent media attention on so called ‘prophets’ (‘pastors’, ‘apostles’ sometimes even ‘prophetesses’) has just proved that point accurately.

I’m always fascinated by these ‘men of God’ who claim to have a speed dial to the Almighty himself. They claim to have healing powers and the ability to convey messages directly from God.
The concept of miracle evangelism is not new at all. The movement has been around for decades. It was prevalent in America and Northern Europe in the 70s and 80s.
Remember Reverend Reinhard Bonnke? He ended up with depression after being exposed as a fraudster. As usual, in Africa we always play catch up; so now some of our own are cashing in.
I’m not a theologian or hope to be someday, but my basic understanding of the fundamentals of Christianity are compassion, obeying God’s commands and most importantly, proclaiming salvation in the afterlife. With these evangelists the message is twisted; it’s all about instant babies, instant wealth, and instant husbands/wives.
Their ability to perform so called ‘miracles’ has become the biggest drive; the more complex the miracle, the better. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that Christians should live a life of poverty.
But these guys con people and accumulate extreme worth beyond imagination at the expense of the vulnerable.
I vividly remember a few years ago someone telling me that one evangelical church in Chimwankhunda could collect a few million Kwachas per Sunday service, not bad for a few hours work, eh? The question we should ask is: “If Isaiah or Jeremiah (even Jesus) was living in our generation, would they be driving a Bentley in a convoy of flashy cars? Would they be using private jets? Would they living in huge mansions? ”
‘Magic or Psychic Tricks?’
The recent scandals by one prophet are just the tip of the iceberg. Isn’t he the same ‘man of God’ who claimed that APM should contact him to receive a message from God? If he didn’t comply, he would lose the election?
When Mutharika refused, he switched his prophesy to JB as the potential winner. After the election, I remember watching a video on social media which he claimed was recorded before the election.
In the video, he claimed to have predicted a re –run of the general elections. Obviously this was after JB had just announced this and we all thought there would be a re-run.
As it turns out, there was no second election and APM was declared a winner (legitimately or not).
The point is, these are nothing but very simple magic/psychic tricks.
And then there is this iPad photo revelation , it was priceless.
Even more fascinating was the PR effort afterwards; he claimed that the video was tampered with. I’m sure even if this guy was caught on camera with another man’s wife in bed, he would have an excuse.
To be honest, I was expecting him to offer to repeat the miracle, instead he opted to perform a ‘walking on air miracle’ in a controlled environment of his choosing, his own house.
I have more respect for people like Darren Brown and Harry Houdini who clearly perform great miracles but are quick to point out that they only tricks, they don’t possess super powers.
If they really had divine powers why not just go to our hugely under resourced hospitals and perform these healing miracles on masses of people who really need them.
The SDA hospital in Blantyre would be the best place to start where one of their social media backers is supposedly critical condition, trying to evade prison!
‘The PR Machinery’
They use high profile names in politics, in the entertainment industry to endorse them on social media; it is an old PR strategy.
Followers are easily impressed by the flashy cars, jets and tramped up security. The list of such ‘men of God’ is growing every day.
They pounce on the emotionally frail, financially challenged or physically sick; desperate people searching for some sort of miracle answer to their suffering.
Ironically, when someone like me stands up to them, their response is always the same; “It’s the devil’s work”, really?
One wonders why these guys always move to more affluent areas when they start doing well. If their motive is to spread the word of God, why not move to Mwanza, Neno, Ntchis,i Malomo or some locality in Zambia?
Why not use some of that cash to help the poorest of our society? Their preferred destinations are always South Africa, Europe or America.
Obviously, these places are comfier and the followers pay more. They live in unimaginable comfort whilst the people who made them rich back home are toiling in poverty.
Some people will say I’m just another jealousy hater. On the contrary, I take my hat off to these ‘men of God’ for conning masses in handing over their hard earned money.
I think it is an exceptional skill.
But I cannot help but feel sympathy for all those poor, childless or sick people who buy ‘anointed soap, water or oil’ just to get relief to their suffering.
I know that just by writing this piece I’m doing these guys a favour because it encourages the debate, inevitably raising their profiles even more.
Indeed, “there is no such a thing as bad publicity”
Bring it on.
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What i can say is that we are in the last days and most of the people we are sick. What do i mean when i say “we are sick” the thing is we all read bible, we all hear gospel about false prophets but we are spiritualy blinded by these so called prophets! Jesus christ could perfom miracles but with a ameaningful purpose, what purpose can we retrieve from someone walking in air and if u see the clip it is totally fake come on wake up Malawi. Observe the clip well u will actually notice some shadows coming… Read more »
honestly speaking ppl of my fader do u remember what de lord talled Joshua? he said Joshua let not dis word depart from ur mouth,meditate it day & night….. secret is in de bible. true prophet of God wil walk in God’s path. amen
Malawians,you have not yet learnt the lesson when Hastings Banda was portrayed as our Mesiah,Wamuyaya ( the immortal) just to mention a few titles bestowed on a fellow human being.In the twenty first century when others are inventing or discovering new ideas to enhance new qualities of life for today’s human beings and future generations ,what we are encountering to day is a typical fatuous blaspheme against our Almighty God to solicit for dirty money from poor citizens.I have lived in many parts of East and Western Europe and many other parts of the world,I have never met,live alone seeing… Read more »
To the best of my knowledge Evangelist Rheinhard Bonke has never been diagnosed with depression and it is not on record anywhere that he was exposed to have been a fraudster which makes me wonder if any of the other info herein ypor article contains any truth!
I agree with the Author, and these are signs of false prophets(witches), by addressing the person means they are initiating them. Just watch out guys a certain brave prophet has been revealing signs of false men of God and said at the beginning of this year that the Horse and the ride shall fall in 2015. False men of God shall be exposed. Believe it or not here in Malawi we have one new famous apostle in Blantyre kwa Kudya who takes his magic from Mozambique, one new famous prophet from Machinga who gets his magic from Mulanje (Hausi is… Read more »
Son of Major 1 you make me laugh. I thot Eubert Angel was banned in his home country Zimbabwe because of him stealing a Bently in the name of God. When you say that Shepherd is rich, what do you really mean? Does he even own a house? He can’t own a house in South Africa because he is not yet a citizen thats why every month he has to travel outside SA to avoind excedding 30 days which can make him overstay. Even in Malawi, he doesn’t own a house, he is still renting from a top government official.… Read more »
the author of this article has a point but because some people are deep into prophetic witchcraft they cant see truth in its simplicity by the author. Just simple questions; 1. Why is it that every false prophet is using a medium (towel, water, sticker, oil etc) rather than the word of God? 2. In paganism, they believe tht their supreme leader is their only mediator and u cant point out wrong things done by them. why? 3. Is it the same tap water or some other water? The only difference between YESU MATIKI and these FALSE PROPHETS is this;… Read more »
For the bible says in Mark chapt 13 vs 6 to 28 Jesus clearly states what will happen in the last days. It is our duty to ask God to reveal to us who are the true prophets to follow lest we may be mislead by these people and end up in hell.
Zonsezi ndi zachabe. Asiyeni azilemera moto wozawatentha uli busy kupanga warm up
Read the Bible full of truth.