Pastor Chirwa from Malawi killed in Cape Town as Bushiri claims death threats
Barely four days after Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church skipped bail and returned to his native country, a Christian pastor from Malawi, Blessing Mduli Chirwa has been shot dead in South Africa during the night of Saturday, November 14, 2020.

Pastor Chirwa, a Malawian national, was killed in Cape Town area a called Deft.
According to information gathered by Nyasa Times, pastor Chirwa before he went to Deft, he was staying in Joe Slovo Park.
Chirwa was reportedly shot by armed robbers in Deft because he resisted them from stealing his car.
The Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP) in Joe Slovo where he belonged were busy preparing his burial arrangements.
This follows Bushiri’s claims he had left South Africa because he had received death threats.
The preacher, who was on bail and awaiting trial for money laundering and fraud, had previously said he wanted to clear his name.
The Bushiris ‘miracle escape’ has already caused a diplomatic uproar with Malawi’s foreign minister Eisenhower Mkaka who reportedly met Bushiri in Pretoria- shortly before the prophet exited the country – told the BBC that he thought the South African authorities suspected the Malawians were trying to smuggle out the controversial preacher.
“When we were coming to Malawi leaving South Africa, we were exposed to stringent checks. It is just now that we are beginning to realise that maybe there was a suspicion that we were trying to smuggle Bushiri out of South Africa,” Mkaka is quoted by BBC as saying
On Monday morning he then complained, very publicly, issuing a statement on Twitter about the seven-hour delay to the president’s journey, which included “vague security reasons” for thorough checks of the presidential plane.
Mkaka noted that the South Afrcain authorities had categorically stated that the controversial preacherhad not escaped on the presidential plane.
But he described South Africa’s treatment of President Chakwera as “improper”.
My God this People in south africa are indeed the decedent’s of Shaka zulu the same spirit is working on them, what happened to apostle Paul in act 19 is what has happened to Our Father Major 1, Our Father is a spirit he does not just hear from men but God in heaven, papa victory in jesus name, no one fight grace and win, to pastor chirwe revelation 14;13
God will never shame his own children.
MAY His Gentle Soul Rest In Peace.
thats another mentality default we Malawians have ….Y do we mixup issues .Here we are to pay or pass our condolenses to the Chirwa family and relatives (spiritual &physical) ones …Dont relate it to a corn man /a fugitive who lives on shortcuts way of life .
May His Soul Rest in Eternity
Sorry Africa and The rest of the world to what happened to Bushiri we as few of true Christian s we believe all that is happening to our Pastor now are the acts of the devil but thanks to Malawaian Government for protecting the prophet of the lord. God bless Africa.🙋
May the soul of Pastor Chirwa rest in peace.
From my perspective, more Africans and descendants of Africans are being hired in very visible positions of employment. People are taking note of how intelligent and excellent you are.
May the matter with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Prophetess Mary Bushiri, President Chakwera and the South African authorities be resolved peacefully (and in favor of Prophet and Prophetess Bushiri). The world is watching.
Wisdom is lacking in our judicial systems today. U see how evil has criped in because the government refused to use wisdom on high issues. Before u take a final decision on anything, u should always think on the unintended consequence.
The government was first to threatened his life. Someone is yet to be proven guilty but u went ahead asking for collateral if he leaves the country. Africa Africa Africa please return home with wisdoms of our fore fathers
Please disregard the typographical error that I made on the post regarding Pastor Chirwa’s death.
My deepest condolences extend to the family, friends and well-wishers of Pastor Chirwa. May he sleep in Jesus.
Many of us are elated that Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Prophetess Mary Bushiri are out of harm’s way.
Africa has intelligent and rich people there. I believe that Africans and African descendants are receiving even more respect in the USA. The matters concerning Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Prophetess Mary Bushiri, President Chakwera, the authorities from the RSA etc. are able to intelligently resolve the problems.
Don’t defend criminals.