Police arrest suspect in gruesome Neno murders: Belief in witchcraft runs deep in Malawi
Malawi Police have arrested a suspect in the gruesome Neno murders when two elderly people were hacked to death on accusations of witchcraft.
Last week, the social media was awash with pictures and a video clip in which a man in Neno was seen hacking to death the two elderly men at Nseula village in chief Dambe’s area on allegations that they killed a seven-year-old boy through witchcraft.
Police spokesperson for the south Ramsy Mushani said the police have arrested 32-year-old Paul Kamwetsa.
“He was arrested on the night of 4 to 5 November, 2019 at Zalewa in an intensive operation conducted jointly with southern region police detectives of homicide team, Zalewa police unit and Neno police station,” said Mushani.
Mushani said Kamwetsa confessed to the killing in preliminary interrogation.
He is suspected to have killed his two uncles; Chalaka Akunkeyani, 60 and Deke Kamenya, 51 of Nseula village in chief Dambe’s area in Neno.
Kamwetsa accused the slain uncles of bewitching his young brother Chipiliro Thom who was bitten by a snake on October 30 on his way to a market and died later at Nsambe health centre.
Mushani said the suspect had been hiding since the day of the incident and was found with the same clothes he wore during the day he is suspected to have killed the uncles, the clothes were still heavily soaked with human blood.
Belief in witchcraft and traditional medicine run deep in this former British colonial nation, largely dominated by Christians.
I saw how he conducted the killings on a clip, he is brutal and cruel I dont think he is a suspect
the evidence is there that has been seen. That is why Malawi must maintain the death penalty, people have no respect on human life, how can a normal person butcher other human beings like that.
I pray this man Neva sees freedom he is danger to society eeeh alibe umunthu