Polytechnic female students say enough on ‘sex for grades’

Female polytechnic students of the University of Malawi have ganged up to say enough on sexual abuse by setting up a platform on which to report the abuses by both lecturers and male students.

Sex for grades: What have the Student Unions and NGOs done to protect students?

Fanny Soko, a representative of the students said the  ‘denounce the harasser’ platform has now been created because of increased incidents of sexual abuse in University of Malawi constituent colleges.

She said iit ams to maximise individual and collective efforts to fight sexual harassment by bringing together the real and virtual worlds.

“Apart from this platform, we have written university authorities to address the sexual abuse issues reported in colleges,” she said.

This comes barely a week after male students allegedly gang raped a drunk female student at Chancellor College and polytechnic suspended its dean of students over sexual abuse allegations.

The ‘sex for grades’ scandal has reignited concerns about sexual harassment in Malawi universities

Women rights campaigner, Young Women Rise programs coordinator Ethel Mkandawire says most victims of sexual abuse fail to report their abuses due to lack of platforms.

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4 years ago

It’s not only university of Malawi, Nkhoma university is doing the same. Vice Chancellor kuyidziwa khani koma kuyipondeleza. I even know one lady who has failed to graduate just because anakana lecturer. Atsikana akuvutika ma collage mu. Amabwelelaa school osati kuti azikhala azikazi amunthu ayi. Musaononge tsogolo la ana anzanu pliz.

4 years ago

Students shd now get degrees basing on merit and not from external factors

4 years ago

But these lectures wakwera kwambiri wanawa and telling their parents kuti akuchita bwino ku school chosecho akukwedwa every weekend.Especially the beautiful ones ndiyetu kulimbirana ma lecture.Many girls have MIMBA za ma lecture mpakana Wana kubereketsa kumene.

4 years ago

This is not new system in the Universities. Many girls have been sleeping with Lectures and sometimes our own friends for grades. You will see that many girls have condoms in their either bags or draws. This system will not finish and its there to stay no matter how you talk I personally did quite enough when I was in the college. A number of girls who have finished their college level have slept with lectures and we know them. What they normally do when out of the college is to find a boy friend and stick to him for… Read more »

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