Pregnant woman dies due to lack of fuel for ambulance: Malawi woes

A 24 year old woman has died at Mponela Rural Hospital due to a ruptured uterus after authorities failed to refer her to Dowa district hospital because of lack of fuel.

A private radio station Zodiak said on Sunday, Mponela health centre had informed officials at Dowa District Hospital but they could not send an ambulance due to lack of fuel.

District Health officer for Dowa Beatrice Chikaphonya said she had heard of the reports but could not say much on the issue.

She however said the government has just funded the hospital and fuel for ambulances would be bought.

The death comes barely a day after five catholic bishops returned a ‘gift’ of K50000 for each bishop from President Peter Mutharika after the bishops told Mutharika to direct such money to a public hospital in dire need of money.

Hospital officials say the woman would have not lost her life if she underwent the scheduled operation.

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Beatrice Chikaphonya
Beatrice Chikaphonya
8 years ago

Ndikomweku nthawi ya jean Kalirani kunatumizidwa ma ambulance 5 a UNICEF aja ndekuti ina ssiinatumizidwe pa Mponela Health Centre. Boma ili penapake ndi timadokotadokotala ta China iti kungokhalira ma allowance basi nkumalimbilana ma offesi

8 years ago


8 years ago

Mmmm this is killing

FBI geniune.
8 years ago

Peter mr ibu munthalika administration the worst government ever.Zomwe aziwa iwo ndi izi 1,zimphumphu 2,kuba 3,kunjoya 4,kupha 5,uhule 6,mathanyula 7.kuzunza 8,bodza 9,umbombo 10,kusakanza ndalama zaboma 11,the list goes on.Tikamati akupha anthu akumakana nanga sizimenezi mzimayi akufa chifukwa chosowa mafuta mu ambulance,chonsecho kumagula ma bishop ndi ma 50pin zowona zimenezo?koma nde kuyaluka ndipo simunati chifukwa Mulungu akukulangani ndipo sanati zowopsa zikudza,

Ulemu Kwa YHWH
Ulemu Kwa YHWH
8 years ago

I cry for my beloved country. Bakili Muluzi once said jokingly and I quote, “kuyendesa boma simasewera amayi nda bambo.” Ponela mavoti mumaona ngati kuyendesa boma it’s like kuyendesa business ya kantini eti. Low to no funding but president living extravagant life eg buying chimbuzi chapansewu. My foot.

Nyapapi wakumudzi
8 years ago

phalombe the same ,available when funding is ready .Come and check they are pro funding not pro service

8 years ago

akweni. where are you.pliz? tell your govt kuti likuchita nkhaza kwa amai.

8 years ago

Sad paradox. Another woman who was referred to Dowa hospital used public transport and gave birth on the way in a minibus, safely. She was lucky. Ambulances are also needed at health centre level. councils should attempt mobilizing private contributions and funding towards ambulances. It is their subjects who need the ambulance services. Part of the revenue from the Council taxes should be earmarked for ambulances. Waiting for government alone to provide ambulance services will lead to more deaths. Another avenue is to upgrade maternity services at the health centers to a standard that will not need referrals at the… Read more »

Former Malawian
Former Malawian
8 years ago

And some idiots are more concerned about buying a presidential jet, ati because their president staged a fake queuing to board a commercial plane (who stands in a queue on a first class ticket?!). I’ve stopped feeling sorry for that poor country because its citizens get what they deserve- mediocrity! But it’s none of my business #sips wine

8 years ago

Number 11 ndikugwirizana nanu. Amayika pambali ndrama yotchedwa contingency nkumadzikundikira ma allowance kudzera mu contingency. Ntchito sagwira ma dokotala achimalawi. Mowa ndi akazi kuzanso kuyenda yenda. Ku Karonga kuli wina woti amakhala ku Blantyre koma akamva za funding amatulukira. Ma dokotala amangolimbirana ofesi imodzi, nthawi yoona odwala alibe koma kumakagwiranso ku ma NGO ndi private ngati a ku Karonga. Boma ili koma, siliyenderanso mbava zawozi zotchedwa DHO

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