President Mutharika commends China for visible infrastructure development to Malawi
President Professor Peter Mutharika has commended the People’s Republic of China for the visible infrastructure development rendered to Malawi since the two countries established their relationship about ten years ago.

Mutharika made the remarks at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on Monday during the audience with the Chinese envoy in cerebration of the 10 years in the relationship.
He said Malawians are proud to see Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC), the New Parliament Building, Karonga-Chitipa Road and the Bingu National Stadium (BNS), the visible infrastructure developments by the Chinese Government.
“These are the five projects we negotiated and were completed. We opened the stadium in February this year, so the first phase of the five projects was completed successfully within 10 years,” said Mutharika.
He said currently government has been given a second round of projects that includes a ring road around Blantyre, a five star hotel park in Blantyre, Chileka International Airport and Kam’mwamba Core-Fired Power Station that will generate more than 300 megawatts of electricity.
Mutharika added that above all, the government of Malawi has also received vehicles from the Government of China showing its commitment to the people of Malawi.
“We also appreciate the commitment of the Chinese private sector which has been investing in this country since 2007.
“Few weeks ago, we launched a hotel office park and shopping centre which will employ over 3000 people and once completed, our people will no longer have to go to china to buy products, everything will be available in Lilongwe which is very commendable,” said Mutharika.
He explained that government needs more investors such as in the expansion of water capacity by building a few dams and raising the Kamuzu Dam to support water management in the City of Lilongwe.
Chen Xiaodong, the Chinese Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs said during the audience with Mutharika, they reviewed the important focus and achievement made over the past 10 years since the establishment of the diplomatic relations with Malawi.
He said both of them (Malawi and the People’s Republic of China) are very happy of what they have achieved.
Going forward, Chen Xiaodong revealed that China and Malawi will work together making efforts to cooperate stronger in development areas as well as in their relations in the next decades.
Xiaodong said the Chinese Government will continue to support the Malawi Government on the two countries’ core interests and major concerns.
He further said his country was willing to continue supporting Malawi’s efforts to the best of its capability in maintaining national stability and pursuing economic development.
“As for our practical cooperation, we are going to strengthen our cooperation in the areas including infrastructure, agriculture, hotel and people-to-people exchanges and education among others,” he said.
Malawi and the People’s Republic of China established their relationship in 2007 after the former severed her relationship with Taiwan
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I think we have a flaw of always highlighting the bad and never appreciating the good. We always want to talk about the bad government is doing but we never appreciate the good. I’m disappointed to see only negative comments here. Let’s appreciate the good infrastructure China had brought. I mean, is it fair to give such negative but still use this new infrastructure. Come on guys. Let’s learn to appreciate. I can’t wait to see this new infrastructure China has planned for Blantyre. Malawi is very behind on infrastructure. Chileka Airport to date is rather embarrassing to be called… Read more »
All the local monies are for us to pocket. We only use donor funds to run our country. If u come to our houses and we feel that you are rich we hide all our monies and feign that we are ultra poor and about to die after the last meal. Then the doors will be moved to give us some cash which we don’t steal but use it with fear and trembling to reach to the masses to avoid refunding them while we, with selfish bravery and chicanery and lack of pity for poor barefoot Malawians EQUIP our pockets… Read more »
They like moulding dictators.
Koma abale a president chimpwenene kuno kuyamikira zopatsidwa zaulere koma kodi dziko kumangakhalila kupemphapempha simumachita manyazi.
Mwanji wosasiya kuba ndalama zaboma kuti mawa tisadzapempenso?
DPP isalowe m’boma paja mumati amayi agulitsa boma kwa a Zungu koma inu simudzadalira ma donors, nanga pano muti chain?