Presidential candidate Tobias outlines manifesto, promises to diversify revenue generation and collection

Aspiring presidential candidate Milward Tobias recently outlined his manifesto, which, among others, delves into the need for the country to diversify its revenue collection to achieve sustainable social and economic development.

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Tobias, who intends to run as an independent candidate, said, if elected into office on 16 September 2024, his administration will strive to identify other financing strategies to meet its social and development commitments.

“Some of the ways to raise money to fulfill these promises include taxes, other ways of collecting money other than taxes and aid from countries and foreign organizations; some projects will cost money, but once done, they will save money. These include building offices and houses for government officials,” he said.

When he read his manifesto to Malawians at a function that was held in Lilongwe a few days ago, Tobias said his government will construct buildings for sale as another way of generating income for running the affairs of the nation instead of solely depending on donor support.

He said some of these projects will be carried out through a partnership between the government and companies and negotiations with contractors to work with the government’s own money and pay (pre-financing).

Tobias further stated that this administration will encourage citizens to participate in other projects such as street lights, sewers, waste management and others.

“I came into politics so that together we can change the current political system and create politics that serve the people. Politics is not a job for a person to gain profit or gain self-respect. Politics is about sacrificing yourself to serve others. I have come to end politics which has become a hiding place for terrorists.

“Politics is for people who have the heart to serve others, they have the skills to develop the country’s economy and people’s lives. I can handle that. I hope that when you see me, you will feel that you, your son or grandson can stand for any position including president regardless of race, region or wealth. But because they have perfection, expertise and a heart to serve,” he said.

“I, Milward Tobias, have dedicated myself and promised to reconcile the nation of Malawi, to serve you professionally, fairly and wholeheartedly. I’m here, send me,” thus Tobias concluded the reading of his manifesto.

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