Prison boss reveals why he shot dead his son: On bail
Malawi Prison Services (MPS) Officer Senior Superintendent Evans Chisi has revealed what happened for him to reach the extent of gunning down his two sons Laswell and Stanford over a week ago.

Chisi, who confessed that he did the shooting unintentionally, said on the day of the incident, he was coming from work and upon reaching home, he found his two sons assaulting and battering their sister.
He claims to have tried to stop them but the children turned against him.
“They told me they actually desired the rare opportunity to deal with me. Laswell Chisi kicked me at the back of my neck. I scampered and fell to the floor. Stanford Chisi joined Laswell Chisi [in the act],”he said.
“I must state without fear or contradiction that I shot them dead unintentionally. There was no premeditation. I was totally confused. My psyche was pre-occupied the high and urgent need to defend myself and my daughter from my sons who had become beastly and murderous at the time” narrated Chisi in an Affidavit for court bail application.
The Prison Officer said when things got out of hand and as part of self defense he pulled a trigger.
“In the heat of the moment, I pulled the trigger and shot both of them. First Laswell Chisi then Stanford Chisi. They both died on the spot” reads the affidavit.
Chisi said since his wife died in 2013, he entrusted the daughter with the powers to manage the home and all along, the sons have been assaulting the daughter on upkeep money.
Meanwhile, Chisi has been granted bail. He paid K20, 000 bail bond, sureties of K10, 000 non cash each plus other conditions.
Among the conditions are that he should never leave Blantyre City without informing police, he surrenders his passport to Blantyre Police and that he should be reporting to Blantyre Police every Tuesday.
why? now mr chisi you have been a role mordel 4yrs
Mr chisi siolakwa ayi,baibulo limanena kuti mwana osamvera makolo afe ndithu .
From the look of things, the two sons deserved the punishment. Why? How can a 29 year old resign from work and opt to stay with his father? This clearly explains that the father was so loving to accept this idit to come back home. . My advice to the courts and those doing investigations. Find out from direct relatives on how these two bustards used to behave, Extend to neighbours and their closest friends.
Mdala yu analakwa pa lupha ndi mfuti koma mukadakhala enanu mukadalolera kuluza moyo wanu after spending your money on the two stupid sons.
Mwana Osamvera Kholo Afe Ndithu
ana mwaonjeza masiku ano, mwana osamvera makolo ake mphoto yake ndi imfa basi, koma mr chisi mulape pansi pa mtima wanu, zinangochitika koma sizinayenera kukhala choncho
Zoona zake ndizakuti mdalayu anangonana ndi mwana wakeyu ndiye anyamatawa zimawasowetsa tendele chifukwa amkafuna kuthana ndimdalawaoyu
Oooo!zamasiku ano izi.
Anawo analakwitsa inde koma mpakana kupha?Ayi ndithu Yehova atithandize.
Walhai, a Mjomba Chizi anaonjesa! Ngakale Baibuli olo Curuan imakana simenezi. Imeneyi si Jihad!
Ephesians 6 : 1 Children Obey Ur Parents In The Lord For This Is Right. Mr Chisi And The Daughter Has The Truth Of The Matter.