Prophet Bushiri to camp for 10 days in Lower Shire to ensure more disaster victims are assisted
Days after reaching out to over 4, 000 families affected by natural disasters in Mulanje and Thyolo districts, founder and leader of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, on Thursday trekked to Lower Shire districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje where he began his 10-day reach out campaign.

Through the 10-day camp, Bushiri wants to ensure that more victims of natural disasters are reached with assistance.
At the start of the camp on Thursday, Bushiri distributed bags of maize to 1, 200 households in Chikwawa.
In his brief speech, the Prophet reiterated his call to Malawians of goodwill to step up their efforts and do something within their means to help thousands of people affected by the disasters.
Speaking on behalf of the District Commissioner, Chikwawa Director of Administration Allan Kazembe and Senior Chief Ngabu hailed Bushiri calling him a rare and precious son of the country.
With over 98, 000 households affected, around 30 people dead and about 200, 000 people still stuck in the camps because their houses fells off, Chikwawa is one of the worst hit districts in the country, said Kazembe.
He added that the district has 90 camps but only 40 camps have been reached with relief items.
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