Q Malewezi to launch spoken word album

Multi-decorated performing poet Qabaniso Malewezi has announced the launch of his spoken word album slated for April 2 at the Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the capital Lilongwe.

Q Malewezi
Q Malewezi

Malewezi told Nyasa Times  that he was still “working on the details” and “still recording the material.”

He explained: “As for the event itself, I will feature four up and coming and three established poets. I will also have a guest performer from South Africa.”

According to him, they were also “developing an application for poets who are passionate about spoken word and poetry” in general.

He said “both the CD and the application will be launched [on the 2nd of April].

Some of the poems to be included in the CD are the ones Malewezi has performed at a number of venues all over the world, Nyasa Times understands.

Malewezi, better known as ‘Q’, grew up in Lilongwe. With a passion for the arts, he studied performing arts at the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA) in the United Kingdom. Despite his accumulated expertise in music, Q found his voice in poetry.

In 2015, Mzuzu University (Mzuni) awarded Q an honorary doctorate for his positive impact on the country’s arts.

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The Most Concerned
The Most Concerned
9 years ago

Koma ku Malawi kuno zimatheka?Analira mokuwa Dru Hill pa Umodzi Park.

9 years ago

Za ziii! Zamadzi akhwanya

swiswiri mbewa
swiswiri mbewa
9 years ago

Unique talent. It is discouraging that not many Malawians appreciate spoke word (poetry).

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