Rumphi school girl pens open letter to Mutharika on university selection: Quota system is bad

A letter by an 18-year-old girl, Deborah Confidence Msukwa, from Rumphi Secondary School, is trending on social media  purportedly meant for the eyes of the President Peter Mutharika asking for consideration for selection into any of the public universities she applied having scored a good 17 points at Malawi Schools Certificate of Education (MSCE).

The writing is on the wall for quota syetem

Her argument is that the 17 points do suffice for her to be considered for university selection from her six choices of Public Administration at the University of Malawi (UNIMA) as first choice; Bachelor of Education (Computer Science) also as UNIMA as second choice; Bachelor of Education (ICT) Mzuzu University as third choice; Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology at Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) as her 4th choice; Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management (Land & Water) at Lilongwe University of Natural Resources (LUANAR) as her 5th choice and Bachelor of Commerce (Entrepreneurship) at UNIMA as her 6th choice.

“Your Excellency Sir, is it true that [I am not fit for] any of the 6 choices listed above? Is it true that a girl child like me should fail to attain tertiary education because of [quota] system?

“Why should the awards ‘Life Concern’ used to give me as BEST GIRL CHILD STUDENT in Rumphi District be in vain? The DPP Manifesto indicates you will promote education in all sectors – especially the girl child education.

“Is this what you mean you will do? I believe the answer is NO. Both you and the First Lady are learned people. As Professors, you cannot allow my future be doomed like this. I have full confidence you will dearly help me because my father and mother cannot afford to make me learn through private universities,” writes Deborah.

According to her, she scored 2 points in Bible Knowledge; 2 points in Social Studies; 3 points in English; 3 points in Mathematics; 3 points in Physical Science and 4 points in Agriculture, making a total of 17 points.

“I am writing this letter because I have seen that crying will not help but rather cause me to suffer from High Blood Pressure, something not worthy to an 18-aged young girl like me.

“It is because I have rejected to die young that is why I have resorted into writing you this letter with full confidence that you will hear and address my concern.

“I was not happy with the results because some of the subjects were not marked well. I, however, simply accepted them because I saw that they still give me access to go to the university.

“When time came for university applications to the 2018/19 PU Admissions National Council for Higher Education, I submitted my forms. Today, Your Excellency Sir, all University campuses has released their 2019 selected students taken to start their studies in various programs.

“My name appears nowhere, Sir. At first I thought maybe I have been left because my grades were too high others were too good but when I saw some of my friends who had points above me then I realised this is the work of the quota system your government continues to champion.

“A very good example is Mphatso Chirwa, who had 18 points and is taken to study Commerce. I will be dearly waiting your immediate reply,” writes Deborah.

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Wina Mpoto
5 years ago

I was left out because of quota and as an orphan my future was doomed but God open a great door and now am a chartered accountant receiving big money. Sure there is no quota with God ………………..on 21 May we are not just voting for a president but against quota as well Chilima have our votes

5 years ago

Quota system is bad, period.
It is not equitable but inequitable and unfairly applied. It is disriminatory.

5 years ago

Atumbuka ndinu olemela kale. Sasonkhelanani mwana uyu mumutumize to Harvard.

5 years ago

Koma anthu AKUMPOTO muzasiya liti khalidwe lozikonda? 17 points ndikachaniso my young brother has scored 12 points but he never do this kind of nonsense, why too much greedy???

5 years ago

Winston, if you talk about education i made it bro. When you failed us to go to UNIMA i managed to sneak out of Malawi. And am happily employed in corporate banking on real merit. Not your mbwenu mbwenu interviews

5 years ago
Reply to  James

Hmm. Am i the only one here shocked to hear that the chief tribalistic /racist James did his tertiary out of this country yet he acts old like the Mchacha. If you lived America or any other developed countries you must have been experienced some sort of discrimination similar to what people in the north are subjected and yet you are writing all sort of hate shits against what you call mbwenu mbwenu. Shame on you jack ass!

5 years ago
Reply to  James

Am i the only one here shocked to hear that the chief tribalistic /racist James did his tertiary out of this country yet he acts old like the Mchacha. If you lived in America or any other developed countries you must have experienced some sort of discrimination similar to what people in the north are subjected to — and yet here you are writing all sort of hate shits against what you call mbwenu mbwenu. Shame on you jack ass!

winston msowoya
winston msowoya
5 years ago

Iam sorry JAMES,you might have lost your senses or you have nothing to contribute because you are an embacile.What I have to tell you is that you are among those people who hate and despise Northerners and you are one of themThe fact of the matter is that I love my country and its people morethan you do and I treat all the same and,to you,everything north is stinky.If you like quota system,it’s your choice but,I will criticise you for tribalism and being non-Malawian. While in exile, most of my friends,came from Central and South Malawi,but sometimes I agreed to… Read more »

5 years ago

If you are not tribalistic, why do you think that quota system aims at victimizing northerners only,bearing in mind that there are a lot of students left out from other regions who scored better marks than Deborah. That shows that the students from North matters more to you than those from Chiladzulu, Mwanza Mtchinji etc. By the way a white man who claims not to be resist is more resist. Same to you, you claim not to be trablistic but the painting is all over your posts on Nyasatimes that proved that you are indeed trablistic.

5 years ago
Reply to  James

This shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in Malawi….Read what Bingu had said in defense of Quota system!!!!!!! He attacked everyone from the north working at Capital Hill & NGOs…..Have you forgotten what he said about students in public universities especially those from the north? And indeed what he said about Mzuzu corner @ CHANCO? The introduction of quota was meant to suppress those from the north. …Most Parents from the north now tell their children to work extra harder because with average grades like 16, 17, and above cannot make it nowadays….So the pro-quota campaign has… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  James

Its you James the jack ass who tribalist ..Get lost. You are very dangerous. Go join Wandale and form your country of Mulanje, Thyolo, and Phalome. Mwatizunza kwambiri anthu achilomwe inu. Zipitani kumene munachokera ku Mozambique Milanje uko. You are the reason why this country is going to the drain

5 years ago

Nowadays education is for rich people.But Confidence don’t lose heart joy will come in the morning

winston msowoya
winston msowoya
5 years ago

THE BOTH MUTHALIKAS WERE BORN TRIBALISTS AND MONEY LOVING CREATURES.We the Rumphi diasporas proudly and strongly support the young girl for her nationalistic stance to remind Muthalika that he is not fit to run our government for the betterment of all the citizens of Mother Malawi.It is sad that Malawi is the only regime in Africa to establish the brutal system that brutalities the human rights of the selected indigenous people.Once late Bingu Muthalika had this to say i quote: EVERY OFFICE I ENTER I FIND THE NORTHERNERS AND YET THESE PEOPLE ARE BY FAR THE MINORITY IN THE COUNTRY.HIS… Read more »

5 years ago

What about you Winston Msowoya. Every comment you post its either North this North that. You never spoke about Malawi as a whole. Thats shows that you are the most tribalistic which is in your nerves. Even where you are working i dont think you can hire a qualified non Tumbuka person, you would rather opt for the unqualified Tumbuka speaking Mzara in the name of merit. Useless Tumbuka boy. This gal has scored 17 points and you are protesting as why she never been selected to go to University. To you a student with 8 points from Mangochi is… Read more »

5 years ago


5 years ago

My brother with 14 points has been dropped. Mind you the guys was at a bad CDSS and is the best student in his cohort.

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