Salaries in Malawi parastatals to delay over cash flow challenges
Workers in State enterprises will have to wait until sometime in October to receive their September salaries.
But in communication seen by Nyasa Times, it has not been stated the exact date worker would be paid.
Airport Development Limited chief executive officer Rhoda Misomali said in a memorandum dated September 25 2020 the delay is due to “cash flow challenges.”
Misomali said management is working tirelessly to ensure that the salary payments are made.
State produce marketer Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) also informed staff of salary delays.
The communication from its Human Resource Manager Charles Nchebe also said the delay is due to “cash flow constraints.
Admarc does not say when workers will get paid just stating a vague ‘management is exploring every means to source finances for payment of salaries at an earliest opportune time soon.”
At AHL Group plc, the situation is the same, with management saying the situation is due to “a delay u our expected receipts into our salaries account.”
ndiye zalawiliratu, cannan uja ndi ameneyu?
I sometimes fail to understand why these companies operate in political chains. These are true business entities to make money and equally serve Malawans best and as such, there was no need to appoint political party stoogies into any position including the board. It would have been better to advertise the positions and get the best of the best to fill the positions. I can recall seeing such adverts during Kamuzu’s era and upon failure to get candidates locally, expertriates came in. We had many at ADMARC,Air Malawi, MDC, Press Corporation etc( look into the archives). These companies should have… Read more »
ichi ndi chiyambi chabe. More to come
eeee, kukonda salary a Malawi. Salary is not there to it but is for investment. Muzipangako ka business , pangozi kankhani galasi ili. Dont feel pompos as a boss depending on salary
Where are you going to find time to do business,uli pa ntchito? ntchito iyenda?
Exactly the point!
But not everyone can do business. Society is not structured that way. After all, we have not yet heard that staff there do not engage in business. The statement is just a wild opinion
Ma parastatals run by cadets.
They were using Overdrafts from a DPP bank pano zasintha.
There was too much window dressing. Please fire them all and replace them with Tonse people.
Exactly. This is a symptom of gross incompetence
Dr Chilima Sir, you took the position of heading the public enterprises (parastatals) with fanfare holding Indabas with different organizations all in an effort of making the parastatals becoming more efficient. The failure to pay salaries to your employees Sir is a major step backwards under your leadership. You cannot tell people last minute that they will not receive salaries, you must have known at least a month in advance that you may not be able to service the salary account. Your employees have obligations to pay rent, to pay school fees now that children are going back to school,… Read more »
These entities have been running at a loss for long time now, mainly due to mismanagement. AHL was bailed out with K40 billion some 3 years ago. What did they do with this money? did they commit them to improve performance? No, Ask Matabwa where this money went.
AHL created pocket subsidiaries which are just useless as they do not make any money.
Note that it is the responsibility of the management and not Government to meet their commitments and obligations
When DPP was stealing money from these enterprises did expect Chilima to pay them from his pocket
A president zokayendera ku Zim azipeza kuti. Ma salary ali more urgent than the useless trip that could wait. Athanso kuyimba phone and accomplish the same objectives. Change indeed.
No the president is doing something best for the country by showing up in neighbouring countries as a vivid body not this virtual reality.
He is our servant and needs to be tough in action and walking the promises.
You start with neighbours then others. He has to tour the whole SADC in order to reassure them that good leadership harvests good fruits.
We need these countries being toured if anything, development has to be registered.
The salary issue will be sorted out soon and am asking government to expedite the process 💪🏿🇲🇼
So,Lungu,Nusi,Mgufuli,mkanangwa have been to Malawi.
Even if the president did not go to Zimbabwe, the salaries would still not be paid all the money was misused and stolen by DPP cadets
Exactly the point, if you do not have money, your actions should reflect that. These presidential trips doesn’t come cheap. What help are we going to get from Zim?
You have a skewed thinking. These people met the VP and never expressed any SOS. Management must bear the consequences
Chili kumzako!
Kkkkk.adad ajuyendetsa boma mnkaona ngati masewera
You voted for immature Tonse Alliance thugs, now deal with the shit
DPP idaabvitsa chindimba maphunzitsi last December mpakana mademo adachitika.
A DPP musati muwoneke apa kuti inu simunapange 😂💪🏿🇲🇼
out of his 6 yrs that is the only time i hope
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
He made a long speech about 40% management positions should be women,this was when he was leader of opposition.
Has he done it No yet he took ages to put people in positions of responsibility giving the impression he will do the right thing.