Speaking the unspeakable : ‘A dark-coloured veil of misfeasance!’
A president cannot defend a nation if he is not held accountable to its laws..” ― DaShanne Stokes.
Every government that we have elected since 1994 has been subject to gross misfeasance in public office and we seem not to care and the perpetrators have been let scot-free. Often times, we give those in public office to abuse us and that is okay because for us it is okay not to be okay.
Someone recently aptly described the government of Malawi as a ‘criminal enterprise’ and as citizens we did not even try to decode what this actually means. We either don’t care about ourselves, our country or we are plain stupid.
For starters, misfeasance in public office is a legal term which is a cause of action in the civil courts of England and Wales and in the Commonwealth countries.
Ideally, misfeasance in public office is an action against the holder of a public office, alleging in essence that the office-holder has misused or abused their power. That abuse of public office is a crime, it seems, it is not our business.
The tort of misfeasance dates back to 1703 when Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Sir John Holt decided that a landowner could sue a police constable who deprived him of his right to vote in the case of Ashby v White.
Again, this common law offence was was revived in 1985 when it was used so that French turkey producers could sue the Ministry of Agriculture over a dispute that harmed their sales.
Generally, a civil defendant will be liable for misfeasance if the defendant owed a duty of care toward the plaintiff, the defendant breached that duty of care by improperly performing a legal act, and the improper performance resulted in harm to the plaintiff.
Of course it is difficult to determine whether harm resulted from a failure to act or from an act that was improperly performed abuse of power is in the spotlight and the issue runs much deeper. However, the court of Commonsense rightly finds guilty any person who abuse public office for personal gains and perhaps a competent court of law.
Power is woven into human life and is often misused in many forms of bullying and harassment. Continuing the cycle of disgust and blame won’t change this. Some of this abuse is even socially sanctioned and rewarded, seen as a sign of ‘strong leadership.’ but is it?
To overcome all this nonsense of clapping hands for criminals and public office abusers, we need to do away with this ‘it is okay attitude and start holding people by the balls for this heinous crime.
I think, in my considered view, we strongly need a more rigorous and honest framework for discussing power in government and we must start building the capacity to confront power abuse meticulously and justly.
But sadly, we Malawians love to love making zeroes into heroes and villains into revered chevaliers.We love lifting people onto pedestals and award heroes richly, but we also love blaming those trying to speak the unspeakable because for us, it is okay not to be okay – Its okay.
Nothing makes us more secure than knowing it okay that it is NOT okay. We pretty much know that this is a childhood childish game,but we play it anyway because it is okay not to be okay.
What gets missed in all this is any honest discussion about how we sanction power and reward it, and how this plays into abuse.
I verily believe that oftentimes, we turn a blind eye to the abuse of the power. More disturbingly, we often reward the abuser: their ways seen as part of their flair and genius.
Now let us get to the grips.
On Saturday, December 1st 2018, the ruling political party, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is holding its fundraising event at State House from 11:00 am in the colonial capital city, Zomba.
The State President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, a law professor, will be the guest of honour at this auspicious event.
Now I ask; Does the state house belong to DPP? If not, who owns the State Houses in Malawi? How much is the DPP paying for the venue to hold their event?
On the day, water and electricity will be used plus the normal wear and tear and I ask again, who is going to foot the bills?
Do we care?
Two legitimate political parties, new kid on the political block UTM and political old-hands the once mighty Malawi Congress Party recently held their fundraising Dinner and Dance functions in Blantyre and both paid for the venue where they have had their fundraisers.
Why is DPP using a venue owned by the Malawian people without paying a dime? Is this not gross abuse of public office and power?
May I remind the DPP that State Houses are public resources and that all taxi-paying Malawians owns them and that they have a say as to how their resources should be used?
May I also remind Mutharika that as the President of the Republic of Malawi he has a duty to protect the country’s resources from abuse and misuse and that failure to do such gives rise to misfeasance of public office?
Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, the rightful Vice President of the country who has the same rights and benefits as the president chose not to hold his UTM’s fundraising event at his official residence at Mudi or in Area 12 in Lilongwe but opted to go and hire Comesa Hall because he understands that there is a clear difference between a government function and a political party function.
Why can’t Mutharika not see and act this way – respecting the people of Malawi as the landlord of the houses he live in? Does he know that he does not own any State House in Malawi but that he is nothing but a mere tenant?
And Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, is this not your time to show your biting teeth? Dr. Joyce Banda, where are you at? Professor John Chisi and many other political wannabes why are you sleeping?
Mkazi wamwini sautsira mchira!
Blakaka speaks.
DPP is unstoppable because of seen development undertaken under their charge no word will erase these developments people have eyes and are able to see by themselves don’t waste time denting their image.
Work on your grammar and writing skills…. You need to grow up some more too so hopefully you can write maturely
Makosa, Makosa , just shut up, you know nothing of Malawi… I heard you hard fundraising for UTM there in UK , what is wrong with the one you have put here. Chilima is using security and government vehicles too , why you did not white. Am told you are studying law, but I don’t think you are learning anything.
Are cadets not a curse for Malawi? If not then APM is a curse for malawians.
Old man has completely lost it. He is failing to protect the poor who are getting 5kg bag of good Mainz per family insteady of 50kgs. And he is failing to protect state properties. What is he doing there? Lord has mercy on us.
There is no political saint in Malawi. All those you have glorified are doing the same. Is Saulosi Chilima, Richard Msowoya, Lazurus Chakwera, Joyce Banda, etc not using their state security, state vehicles state residences to conduct political activities? I hate people who despise the multitudes of rural based Malawians and consider them passive savages. When due these people make key decisions not based on hate but reality. They voted out the colonial, one party, MCP and PP rules when their time go were due. So if DDP’s time to go is due they will do the same regardless of… Read more »
Mr Peter Makossah whatever your name is, get a life and move on. DPP is in power and APM is our president, your hate articles won’t change that. come 2019 and beyond mukhalabe otsutsa kapena nditi michira baasi. Mbalame Ngati iwe mtchona wa pa kenya pompa ukatipweteketse mutu ife.
This is not hate article Mr JJ Mbewe, what he wrote is very true and it is supposed to end . And we are ending it as malawians come May 2019. People of Thyolo marched to the DCs office last Monday after being fooled of coupons and they lamented heavily with your DPP, so whom do you think will vote for your corrupt party next year. Bravo Peter Makossa only beneficiaries of cash gate will hate your articles but we love them , please continue.
“Mkazi wamwini sautsira mchira