Theu takes on Bob Chimkango in Malawi poll case: Mutharika’s witness goofing around

UTM Party president Dr Saulos Chilima’s lawyer Bright Theu on Tuesday took on Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) President Peter Mutharika’s second witness Bob Chimkango in the ongoing electoral case in cross examination which centered on his involvement in active politics while serving as a public servant.

Chimkango: Witness
Through cross examination, Chimkango confirmed that he started working as a Company Secretary at Malawi Housing Corporation late 2018, but he was heavily involved with the ruling DPP before and after May 21, 2019 elections as a party member.
Section 193 of the Constitution provides for the independence and neutrality of the public service.
Furthermore, it is misconduct for a public servant to engage in political activities as provided for in Regulation 1:201(24) of the Malawi Public Service Regulations,” reads the letter
Public servants are required to resign or retire once they qualify, prior to embarking on their political campaign at any level.
However, this was not the case with Chimkango, who is a lawyer by profession.
Theu also tried to punch holes in his sworn statement particularly in areas where he mentioned that the results as announced by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) were duly audited at the time the announcement was made and that there were very few instances where results sheets were handwritten on ordinary papers.
Asked why he thought presiding officers did that, Chimkango said they “were just improvising” though he agreed that it was against the electoral proceedures.
Theu also tackled an issue whereby a presiding officer Rabecca Chirwa signed forms 72C from Rumphi West and Mzuzu West.
“Have you ever travelled from Mzuzu to Rumphi boma? And how long did it take?” asked Theu
Chimkango answered that “From Mzuzu to Rumphi it takes about an hour” but could not estimate how it an take to walk the same distance.
The highly contentious cross examination between the two legal minds which prompted the president judge Heally Potani to remind Chimkango that he is not in court as counsel but a witness is expected to finish tomorrow morning.
Then, he will be cross examined by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president  Lazarus Chakwera lawyers before being re-examined by DPP lawyers.

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5 years ago

He who digs the pit must dig two, one for him and the other for the plot you want.😜🤣😜😆😂!!.

Bene Aford
Bene Aford
5 years ago

Bwana Chimkango akukokani maujeni Theu kkkkk

5 years ago

Maloya kuloyana kkkk Koma mulinima vutooo.DPP siidzachoka nokha ,mukudziwa.Alomwe alikwonsekwonse kkkk,Population in the south is huge guys don’t waste time on castigating DPP kkk ndiambili .Mudzingotukwana chipyeramtima kkkk.Achinyamata simunalembetse mavoti ,Mudakalembetsa Chilima anakatenga dzikoli and zikanayenda bwino koma aaaa ndaona DPP ikupitilira kkk

chikupeta delix
chikupeta delix
5 years ago

Join the discussion…koma ziliko

5 years ago

Sometime back, our SC Msiska failed to re-examine MCP witness Hon Mkaka. Today SC fails to cross examine APM’s witness. SC wabalalika

5 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxx

Examine Mkaka on what? He saw no need for that.

Extra Point
Extra Point
5 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxx

Cadet, why cross examining someone who can’t give any direction?. The senior lawyers are looking for evidence not people like Chimkango who are not doing enough even for their party. Lets wait, you will realise your party goofed by taking lawyers who have limited understanding of the case. MCP and UTM ar looking for irregularities which Bob Chimkango and Ben Phiri admitted.

5 years ago

From the court, both lead counsels Dr silungwe and Mordecai Msiska refused to cross examine Bob Chimkango. Clearly senior counsel did not want to get embarassed by the lawyer turned witness (Bob). Talk of APM’s coolness and deadliness

Vilhomwe Ndivimbuli
5 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxx

Inu ndinu mbuzidi eti
APM is stupid so is Bob

5 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxx

You don’t cross examine for the sake of it. Misha and Silungwe didn’t want to waste time on a dull, self centered and lying dude Chimkango.

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
5 years ago
Reply to  Mtete

Ndinu ma student aja mumayankha funso losafunsidwa bwino. Inu kulimbikira kulemba nonsense only for a clever fellow student to question the invigilator/teacher and the examiner agrees to correct the question, kkkkk

5 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxx

I see lack of wisdom in Ur comment. Get embarrassed with X examination?? Hi back to xul cadet n understand the relationship between witness n counsel…Ur thinking is myopic

5 years ago


5 years ago
Reply to  FRED LOCKS

Inuso, social media mukuyiziwa??????????

5 years ago
Reply to  Jenala

sakudziwa social media awa,,,,

5 years ago
Reply to  FRED LOCKS

Zabodza kkkkk Mbuzi zongolemba zopanda pake kkkk

Kapado Chimulirenji
5 years ago

Ichi ndiye chindere chakufikapo. Kuyankha mafunso ngati si Lawyer. Eeeeeeeeh, koma ndiye anampana. Olo Pitala kunali iyeko ngati amamvera, m’mimba munatentha. Mphwephwa ya mboni. Ndiye bola Ben Jerusalem Phiri. This man, Chimkango must be dismissed for his active involvement in politics while serving as a public servant. He was doing all that to steal. I think he was promised the position of AG. Ng’oo!

Vilhomwe Ndivimbuli
5 years ago

Hear hear!!

5 years ago

koma nde mukuwadoda a malawitu. so we srill licking his asshole meaning pitala wont come in the dock hetini? israel ,USA to mention a few work for their people. kwathu kuno tikanapolamila otilakwila. same as police teargassing students and burning a hostel of which ana ao etc amagonamo kuti akamaliza sukulu azawasamale makolowa atakalamba. anta zeru zimenezo alibe a police ,io cao kucita please mwapasa ndi pitala. iddhiot bastards. mupane azilonda a pa poly. i remember 3 to 4 yrs ago ma 1sr urs amagona mmilaga londa ali pompo but called off himself kunabweta akuba threaten students on knife point… Read more »

5 years ago

The whole MEC should be disbanded and introduce new members.The whole MEC is rotten to the core that we can not have incredible elections in our country.If anything these MEC members should go to jail.

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