Two women arrested for scorching grandson
Police have in their custody at Nkhotakota Police Station two women for allegedly scorching a nine-year-old boy.
According to Nkhotakota Police Spokesperson Kaitano Lubrino, the victim is Shukulani Sinani a standard one pupil at Nkhotakota LEA Primary School.
Lubrino said Sinani disclosed to police that he was scorched by her grandmother Veronica Banda, 49, after being accused of stealing relish (matemba) meant for supper.
After accusing her grandson, Banda is said to have reported the matter to her sister-in-marriage, Ellen Latibu, 61, who is the boy’s guardian, and the two, together tied both hands of the victim and started scorching him with burning fire.
The women said they were torching the boy’s hands because they were the ones used for stealing and he was left with deep burns on his right hand.
However, the incident was concealed three days later when the boy’s father, who stays in another village, got wind from well-wishers that his son had been severe abused and scorched by fire by his guardian.
The development forced him to go and see him only to confirm about the incident and could not believe then boy’s condition.
The child was in critical condition and was immediately rushed to Nkhotakota Police Station where he was referred to Nkhotakota District Hospital for treatment.
“We later arrested the two women and charged them with an offence of unlawful wounding. The two are expected to appear before court soon,” said Kaitano.
The suspects come from Penema Village in the area of Senior Chief Malengachanzi in the district.
In another development, a 23-year-old man has committed suicide in the district after misusing K7000 belonging to his friend.
Police have identified the deceased as Msiyeni Rajabu who was found hanging on a tree at Phangwa village.
The man decided to take his own life over K7000 which he owed his close friend after selling his mobile phone.
Rajabu is said to have been sent to sell the phone but after selling it, he never return home and used the whole money on beers.
Just before committing suicide, Rajabu went to his sister to whom he said the word “good bye” twice before went away.
Kaitano said at first the sister took it as a joke but some 30 minutes later she heard a loud noise from a nearby woodlot where Rajabu was battling for his life.
“When she arrived on the scene, it was too late to save his brother’s life,” he said.
The deceased came from Phangwa village in the area of Senior Chief Malengachanzi in the district.
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