Unima’s Got Talent contest: Malawi university students to battle it out
Students from University of Malawi (Unima) will battle it out in Unima’s Got Talent – style competition which is being organised by Now Lens Arts in partnership with Times Group through Times Television.

Other partners to the competition includes FDH Bank and the contest will see the winner walk away with K1 million and other prizes.
Students from Chancellor College , Polytechnic and College of Medicine will take part in the competition with auditions to kick off Saturday at Polytechnic in Blantyre.
Lens Arts Team Leader Louis Belekanyama said he was “very excited” about the project.
He added that they have also partnered Unima, Bowler Beverage, Mango Lodge in Zomba, Premier Bus Company and Nzika Arts among others.
Lens Arts is a student organisation from Chanco which was created on the back of trying to appreciate talent in Malawi.
Airtel Malawi have also offered to sponsor Unima’s Got Talent.
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