Usi set to hold ‘special address to the nation’ Thursday night
Nyasa Times understands that human rights activist and comedian Michael ‘Manganya’ Usi will Thursday night address the nation viaZodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS).

Adverts flying on the private-owned broadcaster, which owns ZBS radio and television, Usi will speak to Malawians after the 8pm news.
It is not clear as to what Usi, who has of late been critical of State President Peter Mutharika’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)-led government, has to tell the nation.
It is however speculated that in his address Usi might be tackling the critical issues affecting the country, including the economic and nationwide hunger crisis.
Said a source on Wednesday: “The contents have not been made available, but his address is directed at the President, MPs, political leaders, chiefs and the ordinary Malawians”.
Nyasa Times contacted Usi to come clear on the matters of his address, but someone picked up his phone, saying he was locked in a meeting with the clergy.
When quizzed further about the meeting and which clergy, the individual refused to shed more light, but disclosed “He [Usi] has been meeting the clergy from different denominations”.
Earlier in February, Usi asked President to swallow his pride and allow some technocrats to help his government in bailing out the country from the economic mess and hunger situation.
He observed that the current administration has lost direction in dealing with critical issues, especially the hunger situation, adding that only a committee of non-partisan experts can bring back sanity.
This skirt chaser is useless. If he was wise he would not have been forgetting condoms every time he was sliding down women’s undergarments up to the point of self-harming. Mpaka kuvulala munthu wamkulukulu chifukwa chokwera azimai okolopa mu office ndi mahule. Galu wachabechabe.
Who told you the nation can only be addressed by the president? Anyone who feels that he has a national issues can address the nation. Kodi anthu inu munakhala bwanji kumangoimbira mmanja zili zonse? More fire Ussi. We need more of such. Infact your address is far more substantial and well articulated than what we have heard from someone.
My appeal to the party in power, please don’t apply politics in crucial issues such PCL. Many of you in power speak as if you are talking to children. The very same person you claim that he ruined PCL is been there during your kingmaker (Bingu), why today?
Speak sitonse tingadane ndi speech yanu
was that speacial address? why cant you just join politics
Usi is one of very few level-headed lomwes enawa ndiye kaya makaka amathiramo chamba. Kutsutsa even before the address has been made. Mamina mmutu okhaokha. Or defending galuko timatero just becoz inu mukudya yet you know dziko mwaliononga. Muzutilakwitsa kuti tozikupempherelani kuti zoipa zikuonekereni, asaaa!
Koma mbuzi za DPP! Who told you that nation address is for the president only? Everybody can do that if you have got the money to pay the broadcaster of course not the blue mbc. Let Manga speak we will listen, osafuna akakolope nyanja. Tiye nacho ni chimunthu chopanda malooks chi
Hear! Hear! Hear! Speak Manga, Speak. You have done more to the nation than this fool, inept, clueless, visionless, ugly…… Sorry I have run out of adjectives otherwise I would have continued . Everybody in Malawi knows who. BWAMPINI
Agalu a DPP amangotsutsa zili zonse. Munthu sanamumve zimene akufuna kukalankhula kumu speach yakeyo kuma ma supporters opanda nzeru a chipani chalephera kusintha Malawichi akulankhula zoduka nzeru. Musieni Usi.
They have stopped using their brains. That’s where the problem comes in.