Wait to hear from God in every situation
Many times children of God have tried to do things before seeking guidance and direction from God. It does not matter whether it may be a spiritual or family decision God should be consulted first because His plans are always good and the best for His children (Jeremiah 29:11).
The Bible talks about a time that Elimeleck and his wife left Bethlehem Judah to Sojourn in the country of Moab. This is a sad story though it has a very beautiful ending. The Bible does not tell us anywhere that Elimeleck consulted with God before moving to Moab. Moab is one country where the people were living in great sin as they were worshipping idols and many sins were taking place.
I believe that if Elimelech had prayed to God asking for direction things would have been different. Deciding not to seek the face of God for direction resulted in his own and children’s death therefore the death that he was running away from in Bethlehem Judah still found him there yet God would have protected him from the famine if he stayed in Bethlehem.
David decided to run away from Soul not trusting that God could still protect him and ended up with the Philistines. It was worse to go to the Philistines than to seek God for protection which He could definitely have done. Fear is the main thing that makes children of God to think otherwise than standing on the promises of God. As the pressure intensifies, the more it becomes so easy for a child of God to not even seek God for guidance or leave the situation in the hands of God.
Prayer, reading scriptures, praise and worship help us to be strong in Spirit which gives us the desire to seek God for every situation. Judges 20 talks about how the Israelites lost terribly to the Benjamites when they went to war without consulting God and later own fasted and offered peace offerings to God, and the Lord smote Benjamin. Take note that it was not the Israelites that smote the the children of Benjamine but it was the Lord.
It is the same even now many people are considering God as a second option. When everything else has failed, then it is time for God. As you can see from this story, Our God is love. Even after failing Him many times, or not considering him the first help in times of trouble, that moment we realize and call on Him, He does not look at what we have done but shows up and help us.
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THere is God…this video may help its specially dedicated to Malawi…
There is no god
But there is God
I really want to believe this write up but with time and circustances I have learnt the hard way. I lost my job in Nov 2015 in a case of unfair dismissal and I have been praying for another job to no avail, I have fasted 7 and 21 days several times I have done the Esther fast 5 times. People tell me that God will answer in his own time, but bill are there to be paid and will not wait for ‘his own time’ as a single mom I have school fees to pay and the fees will… Read more »
Evn welleducated people now adays trust the work of hand than god.
O……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….O When truth pops up, it needs to be amplified . . . . . . and I quote . . . ” . . . people are considering God as an option. When everything else fails, then it is time for God.” – (Last Paragraph) This is a very correct observation Cindy and more on it needs to be said. . . . If you dont thank God for every smile; you have no right to complain about every tear. . . . If you dont thank God when the sun shines; you have no right to complain when… Read more »