What did MCP legal advisor Kadzipatike say on Brian Banda’s interview? Here are 15 key points he made
Malawi Congress Party (MCP) legal advisor, the youthful George Jivason Kadzipatike, sat down with Brian Banda’s exclusive interview over the weekend where he spoke about his life through the lens of his legal profession and his political story.
Here are the key 15 points:
1. He was born in MCP family and grew up in it. Even as he was going to Secondary School, he was already active serving the party at the branch level.
2. He says he always used his resources to support MCP, even when the party was in opposition
3. He says competing against Hon Titus Mvalo at the convention was not an act of disrespect. He says he felt it was the right time for him to serve and contribute to the party.
4. He says he will die in MCP.
5. He says he will focus on ensuring that MCP’s internal conflicts be processed and resolved internally without going to courts.
6. He is proposing a Legal Affairs Sub Committee to help resolve conflicts at all levels before going to courts.
7. He says will not be giving verbal legal advice or opinion to the party. Rather, he said, all his legal advice and opinion to the party will be in written from for purposes of records and future reference.
8. He has been practicing law for 15 years and run Jivason and Company law firm with offices in Mzuzu and Lilongwe.
9. He challenged that there is nothing that can stop MCP from reelection next year. He notes that 50+1 will be achieved because of development projects on the ground.
10. He is standing as an MP in Kasangazi Constituency in Dowa and he is going to win.
11. On same sex relations, he says Malawi’s culture doesn’t allow that.
12. On death penalty, he said most countries are moving towards life sentence.
13. On abortion, he feels we can only allow it when there are complications involving the woman.
14. On his company, he says it will not close because of his political activities.
15. To the youth, he says they should work hard in education. He added that he made his money because of education. That is the money he uses to support his political activities.
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